Famous sentence

Happiness is just a state of mind

Happiness is not inferred, but imaginary.

It is a holiday now - the new year is coming soon! I am sure that you are already thinking about how to make it more exciting next year, right?

However, don't just consider things like performance, efficiency, and management. I hope that you can take this opportunity to recall what you have done in your life, "just to be happy."

When you realize that you are doing something meaningful, especially when that is important to you, you will experience an emotion, that is, happiness based on values.

When you love what you do, your efficiency will naturally increase; when you do things for happiness, you will put all your problems under your feet and walk calmly on the path of life.

The goal of your life is to be happy, then the by-product of happiness based on values ​​will appear on its own. If you are not because you have to or because you are forced to do things, but because you want to do it, because it is part of the highest goal of your life, what you cherish, then the attitude of life as a person you do not ask for. By-products, happiness has emerged.

Feel the heart with your heart and not just look at it with your eyes, so happiness will appear.

Happiness comes only when you are interested in the joy of life, rather than stopping to find new things that make you and your life feel better.

So, how can we pay more attention to happiness?

Put aside all your ideas about management, efficiency and goals.

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Work hard to find out. Don't set a more ambitious goal for yourself at work. Instead, you should take a look at what books you should read and, in addition, learn a new skill every week.

Pay attention to time. Set a timetable and reserve time for important activities such as reading time, exercise time, family time, and study time.

Pay attention to the reason. Don't just force yourself to drag the kitchen floor. Instead, you have to find the deeper purpose of doing this from the kitchen floor.

How do you feel? Not bad, haha! If you know that your desires will bring fun, then you will find yourself more likely to be involved in your work, no matter what price it costs you. (An example of an author who donated blood – maybe the matter itself is not So comfortable, but knowing why will make you happy).

Moreover, I promise that you will definitely gain more and work harder, so that you have a more exciting journey on the road of life.

In the next 12 months, pay attention to the fun itself, don't worry too much. Pay attention to the people and things that are important to you, and pay attention to the fun you have gained in the process of fighting for your goals. Don't pay attention to the results you are looking forward to, but focus on the process of creation!

Invest in yourself at a level you never thought of. In that way, not only will you be rewarded, but the people around you will also benefit a lot, and the degree of benefit will greatly come out of your imagination.

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