Famous sentence

100 sentences encourage your own famous sayings

1. I can do things that others can do.

2. How hard you are to work hard.

3, life is not a one-way line, one road can't get through, you can turn.

4. Anyone who makes an excuse for failure, although his heart is comforted, but he will always have a failure.

5, treat life seriously, treat life to be lively.

6, no ideal and indecisive is a sad psychology. - Bacon

7. Those who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed in all likelihood.

8, a long way, step by step can also finish, and then a short road, can not reach without taking the feet.

9. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. - Zhang Wentian

10. The qualitative change of any performance comes from the accumulation of quantitative changes.

11. Try to build ordinary days into a great life. ——Yu Minhong

12, the strength of action determines the speed of success.

13. If life is wrong, stop is progress.

14. Aspirations are the door to career, and work is a journey into the room. - Pasteur

15. Life is pain, and it is the sublimation of thought and philosophy.

16. If you feel that you are working hard now, then you are proof that you are on the way!

17. As you get lost on your life path, remember this sentence: Never forget why we set off because we have been away for too long.

18. Every day is a beginning. Take a deep breath and start all over again.

19. Don't forget the distance you originally decided to achieve because of a single defeat.

20, the most important thing is not to look at the distance is blurred, but to do things at hand.

21. The quickest and surest way to conquer fear and build confidence is to do what you fear until you have a successful experience.

22. The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate all your wisdom, all your enthusiasm, and do your best to make today's work perfect.

23. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but what direction we are heading.

24. The most pitiful thing about human nature is that we always dream of a wonderful rose garden on the horizon, instead of enjoying the roses that open in our window today.

25. Doing the right thing is more important than doing things right.

26. Only those who are constantly looking for opportunities will seize the opportunity in time.

27, no matter how great the knowledge, if there is no enthusiasm, then there is no difference in paper on the cake to fill the hunger, no help.

28, I don’t think about it, I have to work hard.

29, when a small mind becomes a behavior, it can become a habit; thus forming a character, and personality determines the success or failure of your life.

30. The world is not in the hands of those who are ridiculed, but in the hands of those who can withstand ridicule and criticism.

31. Success requires cost, time is also a cost, and cherishing time is cost savings.

32. Action is a cure for fear, and hesitation will continue to nourish fear.

33. Endure the pain that others can't bear, eat the bitterness that others can't eat, and finally harvest the harvest that others can't.

34. When external pressure increases, the internal motivation should be enhanced.

35. The belief of success in the human brain is like an alarm clock, which will wake you up when you need it.

36. A great cause is not accomplished by the speed of strength and the agility of the body, but by the power of character and the power of knowledge.

37. Only by tempering can we become a good steel.

38. Although pessimistic people are still alive, optimistic people are immortal. - Byron

39. Successful people do things that others are not willing to do, do things that others dare to do, and do things that others cannot do!

40. If we all do what our abilities can do, we will really surprise ourselves.

41. People who lose money lose little, people who lose health lose a lot, and those who lose courage lose everything.

42. Obstacles and failures are the most stable stepping stones for success. If you study and use them, you can cultivate success from failure.

43. Someone can make you suffer, indicating that your practice is not enough.

44. Caring for your own soul is never early or late.

45. Let us change the worries beforehand to the thinking and planning beforehand!

46. ​​There is a problem in life, that is, how to make an inch of time equal to one inch of life.

47. The mediocrity will be spent time, and people can spend their time trying to use time.

48, noisy, don't forget to smile; be anxious, but also pay attention to the tone; do not worry, do not forget to persist; tired, but also love yourself.

49. Take exercise as the basis, learn to be healthy; learn from the principle of learning and learn to know. Based on morality, learn to be a person; adapt to the principle and learn to survive.

50. The curtain of the stage of life may be opened at any time. The key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to avoid.

51. People's lives are like floods running, no islands, reefs, and it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves.

52. Despair is the end of your wrong thoughts and the beginning of your choice. Walking out of the desperate situation of life will usher in a good life.

53. Update your thoughts and you will be reborn.

54. I dare not let go because I am afraid of failure, and I will never succeed.

55, a beautiful life should be full of expectations, surprises and gratitude.

56. To change your destiny, you must first change yourself.

57. I feel that I can do it and can't do it. In fact, it is only between one thought.

58. There is nothing that can't be done, only people who can't do things.

59. All achievements are due to a dream and unfounded self-confidence.

60. Self-discipline can help you do things you don't want to do but must do.

61. If I want, I will be able to.

62, no failure, only temporary unsuccessful.

63. If you are forgotten by the lucky god, please don't be sad, I believe that the sun will always shine on you.

64. Use all your thoughts to do what you want, instead of leaving a little bit of thinking space for those who are cranky.

65. The human experience is the ore of life, and the vitality of life is released in refining.

66, no one will let you lose unless you don't want to win.

67. Don't be angry, be striving for strength, don't look at breaking through, don't want to appreciate, don't delay to be active, don't be tempted to act.

68, a flower dying is ridiculous, the whole spring, a setback can also ruin the entire life.

69. Life does not require us to be the best, only requires us to do our best.

70. Jun Zhi’s direction is that he has never been able to go forward.

71, with a smile to meet the tragic misfortune, with a hundred times of courage to cope with all the misfortunes.

72. There is a problem in life, that is, how to make an inch of time equal to one inch of life.

73. People seem to accept the fate of the day, and in fact people are arranging their own destiny every day.

74. What you have to do is to make the speed of success greater than the speed at which parents are old.

75. The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.

76, today is not successful and tomorrow, tomorrow is not successful and the day after tomorrow, no matter where, there will be tomorrow.

77. Cherish time can make life more valuable.

78. I must work hard and appear in the best position in front of those who denied me.

79. Never fall is not a glory. It is the greatest glory to stand up after each fall.

80. Wisdom comes from diligence, and greatness comes from ordinary.

81. Changing yourself will be painful, but you will suffer if you don’t change yourself.

82. Success is to stand up more than to fall.

83. In fact, losing is not terrible. The terrible thing is that if you lose, you can't afford the courage to face the world.

84. Life doesn't always have to be good, but those struggles can make you stronger, and those changes can make you smarter.

85. Don't indulge in the past, don't fantasize about the future, concentrate on it, and live every minute and every second!

86. We are never qualified to give up, because this is our year, and we should produce dazzling flowers.

87. Forget the pain of yesterday and look up to face the sun of tomorrow.

88. Talent is actually to use the same cleverness as people to make a difference.

89. Don't expect Bole to descend from the sky, worship you as Shangqing. The ability is to be done.

90, can not blame the injustice of the society, since God did not give you what you want, you must fight for it.

91, the past can only be used for memories, do not indulge in the shadows, then you can never see the road ahead.

92. The most exciting thing in life is not the moment to realize your dreams, but the process of persisting in your dreams.

93. People who are stronger than me are working hard. I have no reason to be desperate.

94. Be above others, you must be able to see others; under people, you must be able to see yourself.

95. Never complain about what has happened to you, either change it or accept it quietly.

96. A person has at least one dream and has a reason to be strong. If the heart does not have a place to live, it is wandering everywhere.

97. Successful people never give up, and givers will never succeed.

98. As long as the goal is forward, you can go anywhere.

99. Only poverty in the world can be obtained without paying for it.

100, lazy like rust, can consume the body more than labor; often used keys, always shining.

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