Famous sentence

30 sentences on genius

1. Genius is the ability to work endlessly and diligently. ——Carlisle

2. The decisive factor in forming a genius should be diligence. - Guo Moruo

3. It is a genius to create a great cause, and it is hard work to complete a great cause.

4, smart out of hard work, genius lies in accumulation. - Hua Luogeng

5, diligence can make up for good training, one point of hard work. - Hua Luogeng

6, genius is diligent. - Gorky

7. Talents work, while geniuses create. - Schumann

8, genius is the most powerful cow, they work 18 hours a day. - Lenan

9. Genius is 99% of sweat and 1% inspiration. - Edison

10. Where is the genius, I use the work of drinking coffee for others. - Lu Xun

11, genius is nothing else, but hard work and hard work. - Bifeng

12, diligent people sleepless nights, lazy people have no time.

13. Wisdom comes from diligence, and greatness comes from ordinary people.

14. Any achievements I have made in science are only obtained through long-term thinking, patience and hard work. - Darwin

15. Between genius and hard work, I choose diligence without hesitation. She is the urging mother of almost all achievements in the world. - Einstein

16. The work of genius is irrigated with tears. - Balzac

17, genius and beauty, are destined to release brilliant light to attract attention, provoke people, swearing. - Balzac

18, genius is just a constant thinking, anyone with a brain, there are geniuses. - Maupassant

19. The boundaries between genius and diligence have not yet been determined, and there is no way to determine them in the future. - Beethoven

20. Without diligence, there is neither talent nor genius. - Mendeleev

21, the human genius is just a spark, if you want to make it a blazing flame, then you can only learn! Learn! ! ! - Gorky

22, genius is developed because of the love of the cause. It can be said that genius - as far as its essence is concerned - is nothing but a passion for work and work. - Gorky

23. Independence is the basic feature of genius. - Goethe

24, genius is labor, human talent is like a spark, it can be extinguished, it can also burn, and there is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire, that is, labor and labor. - Gorky

25. Many geniuses disappeared in this world because of lack of courage. Every day, obscure people are sent to the grave. They have never tried to work hard because of their timidity. If they can accept the initiating start, they will probably become famous. - Siba Smith

26, genius can not make people do not have to work, can not replace labor. To develop genius, you must study for a long time and work with high levels of tension. The more talented a person is, the more complex and important the task he faces. - A. Smirnov

27. Repairing can make the road straight, but only the rugged, unrepaired road is the path of genius. - Black

28, genius can not avoid obstacles, because obstacles will create genius. -Roman Roland

29, the ancient great cause, not only have the talent of the world, but also have the ambition of perseverance. --Su Shi

30. I am a stupid scholar. I don’t have enough genius to study hard. ——Mei Lanfang

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