Famous sentence

Profoundly acquainted with the famous sayings of life

1. What we say in one day is actually a lot of nonsense. It may be useful.

2. A lot of things that you are worried about today may not happen, so don't worry about things that didn't happen.

3. After life has stripped away a lot of useless things, there are only days that are ordinary everyday.

4. Luminescence is not a patent of the sun, and glass can also emit light. We can also shine brightly.

5. Remember the happy things we have experienced and forget the sad things we don't like.

6. Even if we lose everything, we should not be depressed because we still have youth.

7, others look down on you, very unfortunate; they look down on themselves, even more unfortunate.

8. Our courage is our greatest asset, and our jealousy is our greatest enemy.

9. People who are too busy will make wisdom rust, and our life should be busy.

10. The language full of love is the most beautiful language, even ordinary is very moving.

11. God never complains about people's selfishness, but people always complain about God's unfairness.

12. Life is given by God, and the wonderfulness of life is created by ourselves.

13. Don't always feel that you are unfortunate. There are many people in the world who are suffering than us.

14, bow your head with courage, look up to have the confidence.

15. People who have no reference in life are pitiful; those who choose the wrong reference are sad.

16, facing the sun, a shadow; facing the sun, the sky is full of light.

17. The stumbling block is the step of entering the body.

18. It is not difficult to do it for the first time. The hard part is to do it every time.

19, the time of the boy is shaking, with a lot of time, only a few moments to grow.

20, think about your own mistakes, will forget others.

21, not the road has come to the end, but the turn!

22. When you put your faith on yourself, you will always be full of strength.

23, life is not to live long and short, but in the morning and evening of the epiphany.

24, do not forgive all beings, do not forgive all beings, is suffering yourself.

25, you will always be grateful to the sentient beings who give you adversity.

26, even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take a step on the ground.

27. Don't sigh and sigh your past, face yourself and accept the future.

28. If you can find your own shortcomings as accurately as you can see other people's shortcomings, then your life will be extraordinary.

29. Nothing is a kind of wealth, it allows the poor to act to change their destiny.

30, young is the capital, but it is not worth the effort.

31. The success or failure of life is often between one thought, but most of them are the difference between one thought.

32. No matter when it starts, don't end it once it starts; no matter when it is over, don't regret it when it is over.

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