Famous sentence

a famous saying about life philosophy

A healthy mind has a healthy mind, which is a concise and comprehensive description of the state of human happiness.

We do our best to make our children live better, but the results are counterproductive. I am much wise for my grandchildren.

I really hope that they can understand what old clothes are passed down by their elder brothers, homemade ice cream, and leftover meat cakes. I really hope.

My baby grandson, I hope that you will learn to be humble after the test of failure, and hope that you can be honest, even when no one is watching.

I hope that you can learn to stack your quilt, mow the lawn yourself, and wash your own car - of course, I hope that no one will give you a brand new car when you are 16 years old.

I hope that you can fight your people's beliefs and fight your face.

I hope that you can share a bedroom with your brother, even if you draw a dividing line in the middle of the bedroom. But when your brother is going to climb into your bed because of fear, I hope that you will accept him.

If you want a slingshot, I hope your father can teach you how to do it yourself, instead of buying a ready-made one for you. I also hope that you can learn to dig mud and read books; and while you learn to use computers, you should also learn to add and subtract mental arithmetic.

I hope that when you first fall in love, you will be ridiculed by friends; and when you talk back to your mother, I hope she will let you taste the taste of ivory soap.

I hope you can scratch the skin on your knees while climbing, or burn your hands on the stove, or stick your tongue to the frozen flagpole.

I hope that when smokers spray leaf smoke on your face, you will feel sick. If you try to drink beer once, I won't care; but I hope that you will not be addicted. If a friend asks you to take a cigarette containing marijuana, or any other drug, I hope that you have enough reason to realize that he is not your friend.

I certainly hope that you can take time to sit with your grandfather on the porch or accompany your fishing.

If you throw a stick and ruin the neighbor's window, I hope your mother can punish you. If you can use plaster to make your own hand model to your mother, I hope she will give you a hug and kiss.

These are my expectations for you: the hardships of hard years, the frustrations and disappointments of life; working hard, always happy.

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