Famous sentence

100 sentences of successful inspirational quotes

1, the slack of the strings, can never play a beautiful piece of music.

2. People who only fantasize and do not act will never realize the joy of harvesting fruits.

3, to overcome difficulties, brave people have their own ways, the only one feels helpless.

4. If the blade is afraid of hurting itself and is not in contact with the sharpening stone, it will never be sharp.

5. For the Warriors, poverty, embarrassment, blame, jealousy, cynicism... All oppression is the driving force for progress.

6, the road will have an end point, the night will be long, there will be end, the rain will be big when there is a stop.

7. Only the harvest can test the meaning of the cultivation; only the contribution can measure the value of life.

8. The waves are smashing for the hurricane and the waves, and they are buried for the rafting.

9. Hope, only with diligence and companionship can you be more powerful.

10. If there is a lack of courage to break through the ground and fight with the wind and snow, the future of the seed is no better than the leaves.

11, no matter how steep the mountains, always leave a climbing path for those who are not afraid of hardship.

12. After some tempering of the waves, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.

13. If you compare talent to sword, then diligence is a sharpening stone.

14. As long as you are a hard-working bee, you can find honey sources everywhere in the vast wilderness of life.

15. In the journey of the trip, although the people who are crunbling are struggling, they can climb the summit of success as long as they have a heart that is endless.

16, in order to become a material, pine trees never pay attention to the warmth of the seasons like spring.

17. When fate throws people into the lowest valley, it is often the best period of life. Whoever blames himself, will miss the opportunity!

18, the painful memory is not cleaned by tears, only sweat can wash it away.

19. The upper reaches are the end of the hurricane breaking the waves; the downstream is the home of the coward.

20, the hero's career must contain the dangers, if there is no danger, it will not become a hero.

21, to overcome difficulties, brave people have their own ways, the only one feels helpless.

22, the meaning of vitality lies in hard work, because the world itself is an arena.

23, after a night of efforts, the street lamp received the first morning light comfort.

24. The rudder that controls the fate is a struggle. Don't hold a little fantasies, don't give up a little chance, don't stop working hard every day.

25. There is no ups and downs in nature, and the earth will not be spring and autumn.

26, bees busy collecting, innocent in front of people talk about it.

27. If you want to climb the peak, don't use the rainbow as a ladder.

28, if the sapling refuses to pruning because of fear of pain, it will never be mature.

29, in order to become a material, pine trees never pay attention to the warmth of the seasons like spring.

30. Even if there is a rock under the footsteps, it will sparkle as long as you pick up the hammer and steel.

31. The new road is often narrow, but it is the prelude to extending itself.

32. The will of the warrior must be as firm as the reef, and the character of the warrior should be as gentle as the wind.

33. Success is the exertion of strength, and failure is the accumulation of shortcomings. There are only one reason for going the right way, but there are many reasons for going the wrong way.

34. Handshake is not necessarily friendship, and accusation is not necessarily hostile.

35. Stress – On the road to career success, you are the prelude to the ignorance of the ignorant, and it is the prelude to the forge ahead.

36, the colorful clouds floating in the air, naturally proud, but at most can only exchange a few praises; only turned into drizzle, can create a Philippine to the world.

37, Ma Xing soft land is easy to lose the hoof, people are easy to lose.

38. The ribbon on the laurel wreath is not made of genius fiber, but is made of silk that is painful and hard to be woven.

39. Once the trickle stops, the vast sea will stop breathing.

40, pride, is the kite that has broken the lead, fleeting; inferiority, is the bird that cut the wings, it is difficult to go to the sky. Both of these are taboos of success.

41. As long as you don't give up your efforts and pursuit, the grass is also a little worthy of the value of spring.

42. As long as you want to plant the seeds of good memories, you can find the virgin land in your heart. Open it up, start now.

43. Do not step, but the fence is not; do not step on the mountain, can not climb the mountain.

44, bonsai show wood is because of being loved, it has shattered the dream of becoming a pillar.

45. In the journey for the cause of the cause, although the people who are crunbling are struggling, they can climb the summit of success if they have a heart that is endless.

46. ​​People who walk only on the concrete floor will never leave a deep footprint.

47. Stupid people always regret for yesterday and pray for tomorrow, but unfortunately, they have lost their efforts today.

48. Overcoming difficulties, brave people have their own ways, and the only ones feel helpless.

49. If you don't take a step from the muddy path, you can't step on the road covered with flowers.

50. Since you are looking for a road, why bother to find out how long it will take. From: Celebrity famous quotes ( www.geyanw.com )

51. Only those who are down to earth can say: The road is at my feet.

52. The new road is often narrow, but it is the prelude to extending itself.

53. The baptism of the fire that has withstood the fire will also have a strong body.

54. Even if the road is bumpy, the wheels will advance; even if the rivers are rough, the ships will sail.

55. Even if it is a rock under the footsteps, it will spark, as long as you pick up the hammer steel.

56. Although the bamboo shoots are tender, they are not afraid of heavy pressure, dare to struggle and dare to take the lead.

57. The frustrations of a moment can often become knowledge and insight through unyielding fighting.

58. If the coward is afraid of thorns, the ship avoids the wind and waves, and the blacksmith fears Mars, then the world will become another look.

59. The collision between the steel shovel and the hard stone is a song of the power.

60. The boatman who is eager to save effort, the goal is always downstream.

61. The saddest thing about people is that they cannot defeat themselves.

62, beauty belongs to the self-confidence, calmly belongs to the reserve, the miracle belongs to the persistent, and the success belongs to the tenacious.

63. The boatman who is eager to save effort, the goal is always downstream.

64. Successful people are always willing to do things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

65. Without wind and waves, there is no brave tide; there are no thorns, no unyielding pioneers.

66, the bird loves spring, because it knows that flying is the value of life.

67. If the fragile heart hurts too much, friends, pursuit is the best medicine to heal your wounds.

68. Harvest is the rain gauge of the cause; it gathers every drop of sweat that the struggler has spilled.

69. The faster you run, the greater the resistance to the wind. Resistance is accompanied by achievement.

70. Education is the mother of talents, and society is the home of talented people.

71. When you stop and rest, don't forget that others are still running.

72. The seed keeps in mind the shackles of the raindrops and enhances the courage to take the lead.

73. The strange flowers and grass on the shore are the rivers that can't be stopped.

74. Overcoming difficulties, brave people have their own ways, and the only ones feel helpless.

75. Although the light spot of fireflies is weak, it is a challenge to the darkness.

76, as long as you can harvest sweet, there will be busy bees in the thorns.

77. Failure will not be dead, but disappointment will happen.

78, buried in the body, all in order to struggle upwards, not the lack of affection for the sun on the head.

79, the waves, never accompanied by a small show hiding in the safe haven, and always chasing the giant wheel of struggle forward.

80. The frustrations of a moment can often become knowledge and insight through unyielding fighting.

81. In the sheltered harbor, no high-spirited sails can be found.

82. Correct the deviation with wisdom from time to time, and give people convenience with compassion everywhere.

83. Waterfalls - In order to rush to the rivers and lakes, even if faced with the abyss of Baizhang, still whistling forward, never retreat.

84. Without wind and waves, there is no brave tide; there are no thorns, no unyielding pioneers.

85. The person lying in the bed does not feel the warmth of the sun.

86, telescope - can see the distant goal, but can not take a half step instead of you.

87. If your heart is burning, then if you need it, you can use it as a torch.

88. When there is no pursuit in the eyes, it must be when the heart is gray. Excerpted from: famous sayings

89, the heart is big, the self is small.

90. Being beautiful is an advantage, and being beautiful is a skill.

91. The heart is changing with the environment, and the environment is the sage.

92. People need to stand up to arrogance when they are proud, and they can withstand the anger when they are frustrated.

93. Many people’s dreams and plans are frustrated. There are two minor problems: they can’t get out of bed in the morning and they can’t get off the line at night.

94, the clearest footprints left on the most muddy road.

95. People who are irrational are often the temptation of the outside world; people who are exhausted are often their own desires.

96. The true leader is not so much about how many gentlemen can be commanded, but how many villains can be driven.

97. Many times, people are not troubled by failure; they are troubled by not finding any excuses after failure.

98. Frustration experienced too little, so I always look at some trivial things too heavy.

99, despicable friends, far more terrible than the right enemy.

100. If you pay more attention to others, you will have less effort to reflect on yourself.

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