Famous sentence

Self-affirming inspirational life

Affirming my life's famous words

People who don't like themselves are annoying.

Often, self-feeling will use two annoying strategies, either always picking on others or always picking yourself up.

Strategy 1: Always be picky about others. They think they can feel good about themselves by picking others wrong.

If your parents, friends or brothers and sisters don't like themselves, they may pick you up and everyone around you. Remember, they are picky about you because they have problems. In fact, they have pain in their hearts. Remember this, you will not be particularly upset by their behavior.

Strategy 2: Some people who don't like themselves always say that they are not good. What they think in their minds is actually the opposite.

Take Mary, she doesn't like herself. She always said to others: "You are more beautiful than me. You are smarter than me, no one likes me." She actually wants the other person to answer like this: "No, Mary! You are very smart, very beautiful." After a long time, Mary This kind of person will be annoying.

In short, if we don't like ourselves, we will bother others. At the same time, we will also put a lot of pressure on ourselves. If we can give ourselves more recognition, we will not play those annoying tricks.

How can I like myself?

To be like yourself means being tolerant of yourself. If you make a serious mistake, if you hurt others and hurt yourself, guilt does not work. If you feel guilty about something, you have been tortured enough. In the next six months, it will not help people.

Forget the perfect, determined to improve

You might look at yourself and say, "You are not as beautiful as your sister, not as smart as a friend, and I am not good at all! How do I feel good?"

The truth is: no one is good in every way, and most people have your thoughts. To see this bunch of words, you can find something interesting. These qualities are not born, they are cultivated. Everyone can have it! If you want to be self-respecting and respected, you don't have to be Einstein or a supermodel.

You just have to work hard to cultivate your honesty, courage, tenacity, generosity and humility. This is called "character." In short, how do you feel about how you feel about yourself?

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