Famous sentence

100 Selected Life Philosophy Philosophy

1. The greatest sorrow in life is not to lose too much, but to care too much. This is also an important reason for one's unhappiness.

2, life is like a dance, the person who teaches you the first dance may not be able to accompany you to the field.

3, the slack of the strings, can never play a beautiful piece of music.

4, life is like chess, one step mistakes, all lose. - Freud

5, between the world of life, if the white gap, but suddenly. - Zhuang Zhou

6, the size of life's meaning, do not care about the changes of the outside world, but care about the inner experience.

7. Life is an irresistible advance.

8. Hours, happiness is a very simple matter; when grown up, simplicity is a very happy thing!

9. When I was a child, I felt that my father was not simple. Later I felt that I was not simple. Later I felt that my child was not simple.

10. Life is a great treasure. I know the most precious jewels from this treasure.

11, life does not sell round-trip tickets, once you leave, you can never return.

12. What to show off, what is missing; what to hide, what to humble. The so-called normal person is only a person with better self-defense. True mental health is undefended and harmless.

13. We are always too polite to strangers and too harsh to intimate people.

14. The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. --Leo Tolstoy

15. Life is the operation of the market. Some people manage their feelings, some have business interests, some have business happiness, and some have business conspiracy.

16. Today is life, the only life you can know. --Leo Tolstoy

17. It is not a good man who is not a god, and it is a mediocrity.

18, everything can not pursue perfection, only the pursuit of doing everything. This way, there is no pressure, and the result will be better. - Fang Haiquan

19, learning must be like a bee, a lot of flowers, in order to make honey. - Lu Xun

20, study hard, work diligently, make youth more radiant. ——Wang Guangmei

21, there are two tragedies in life: one is all over the world, the other is full of ambition. - Shaw

22, human life, like a flood, not encountering islands and reefs, it is difficult to stimulate beautiful waves. - Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

23. The reality is this shore. The ideal is the other side. There is a rushing river in between, and the action is a bridge on the river. - Krylov

24. The value of a person is determined by himself. - Rousseau

25. The more the meteor is beaten, the brighter the light is. - Rousseau

26. Just as bad qualities can be exposed in luck, the finest qualities are also shown in bad luck. - Bacon

27. Sometimes, garbage is just the wrong person.

28. The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just to survive. - Aristotle

29, the heart is not good for good fields, good for the treasure is endless. We should have a pure heart and build good for the public. It will be blessed. - Fang Haiquan

30. In the subversion of fate, the most important thing is to see people's integrity. - Shakespeare

31. Life is composed of various changes, pains and joys that are endless. The ever-changing blue sky only exists in the middle of the mind, and it is a luxury to ask for a realistic life. - Balzac

32, hard work is far more valuable than gold. - Sadie

33. Living by yourself is to make others live better. - Lei Feng

34. Whoever is a game life, he will accomplish nothing; who can't dominate himself is always a slave. - Goethe

35. Hope is attached to the existence, there is existence, there is hope, there is hope, it is light. - Lu Xun

36. There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world. ——Ai Qing

37. The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you. - Shelley

38. Winter has arrived, will spring be far behind? - Shelley

39. If life deceives you, don't be worried, don't worry. Be calm in the gloomy days, believe it, that happy day will come. - Pushkin

40. Life is like taking a bus. Some people are very calm and can enjoy the scenery outside the window. Some people are very embarrassed and always in the middle of shoving and crowding.

41. Whether you are a lion or an antelope, you must run; whether you are poor or rich, you must fight.

42. To have a positive attitude towards life, don't think of it if you have some setbacks. The most honorable person in life is nothing more than life. - Fang Haiquan

43. Successful people are always willing to do things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

44. Correct the deviation with wisdom from time to time, and give people convenience with compassion everywhere.

45. Life is like this cup of strong wine. Without the refinement of three times and five times, it will not be so delicious! ——Guo Xiaochuan

46, hard bees never have time to mourn. - Black

47. Hope is a faithful sister of bad luck. - Pushkin

48. The hand is stretched, and the hand will be caught. The party and the people are supervising, and it is difficult for them to escape. The rumor is afraid that the hand will not stretch, and he will not be able to stretch his mind. In fact, he wants to stretch out and the people can't stretch it. ——Chen Yi

49. Beauty belongs to the self-confidence, calmly belongs to the reserve, miracle belongs to the perpetrator, and success belongs to the tenacious.

50, wealth is not filthy, and the man is here. ——Cheng Wei

51. We have to eat, sleep, swim, and love. That is, we have to touch the sweetest things in life: but we must not succumb to these things... - Jolio. Curie

52. A person with a very fulfilling spiritual life must be a very ideal person. He must be a noble person. He must be a person who only acts as a material master and not as a material slave. - Tao Zhu

53. I never regard ease and happiness as the life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pig pen. - Einstein

54. If you want to cry, you will cry. If you want to laugh, you will laugh. Don’t be hypocritical because of the world’s hypocrisy.

55. Judging a person is not based on his own confession or his own opinion, but on his actions. - Lenin

56. Some people think of more things because of greed, but they have lost everything now. - Aesop

57, humor is worse than straightforward, words are less than words; frankness is worse than disguise, nature is better than sophistry; how quiet is the dream, how hard is it.

58. Writers must of course earn money to live and write, but he should never live and write for money. - Marx

59. The vulgar goal that people strive to pursue -- I always feel awkward. - Einstein

60, life, but also what I want; righteousness, and what I want: the two can't be both, and those who give birth and take justice. - Meng Hao

61, the gentleman is frank, the villain is long. ——Confucius

62. The road is footed out. History is written by people. Every movement of people is writing their own history. ——Ji Hongchang

63, everyone's life will regret, some people because they did not pay, some people because they did not cherish.

64. People's lives are limited. However, serving the people is limitless. I must devote a limited life to the infinite service of the people. - Lei Feng

65. Even if we are a candle, we should "burn the candle into a ash and tears." Even if we are just a match, we must shine once at a critical moment. Even if we die after the death, we will turn into a phosphorus fire to burn in the wilderness. ——Ai Qing

66. Society is like a boat, and everyone has to be at the helm. - Ibsen

67. It is not difficult for a person to do something good. It is difficult to do good things for a lifetime and not to do bad things. - Mao Zedong

68, life is like a pendulum, shaking between pain and boredom, the driving force is desire. From: Life Words ( www.geyanw.com )

69, life only experienced the ups and downs, only to understand the taste of the world, so we must also learn to cherish life and cherish the feelings. - Fang Haiquan

70. Although the blue sky is beautiful, people who are often unpredictable are not able to rise and fall. But he tends to be a man of the wind because he can stand the test of the wind and the waves. - Fang Haiquan

71, life can not be deceived, a person must live bright and upright. ——Feng Xuefeng

72. People who think they are smart often do not end well. The smartest person in the world is the most honest person, because only honest people can stand the test of facts and history. ——Zhou Enlai

73. Don't try to add time to your life, but give life to your time.

74. Giving happiness is not a physical benefit, nor a wealth, but integrity and caution. ——Deccolt

75, simple but more intimate words can touch my heart. - Shakespeare

76. People must be arrogant when they are proud; they must be able to withstand the anger when they are frustrated.

77. The sun sometimes misses the contract, but the night must come every day.

78. No matter how the crow decorates himself with the feathers of the peacock, the crow is a crow after all. ——Stalin

79, the clearest footprint is to stay on the most muddy road.

80. People who are irrational are often the temptations of the outside world; people who are exhausted are often their own desires.

81, life is only inevitable, no accident.

82. Life is like a play. Playing your own role is the key to success.

83. People with wealth pursue a prosperous life, and wise people pursue a quality life.

84. Many times people are not bothered by failure, but because they cannot find any excuses after failure.

85. Loneliness and courage are the games of pathfinders. ——Feng Yuxue

86, take your own path, let others say go! - Dante's excerpt from: famous sayings ( www.geyanw.com )

87. Great energy is only produced for great purposes. ——Stalin

88. If you pay more attention to others, you will have less effort to reflect on yourself.

89. If you see a bicycle riding on a bus, you can’t help but be lucky in the cold wind. If you ride a bicycle and see a canned sardine on the bus, you can’t help but sneak. The original shortcomings are found from others. .

90. The fist is recovered to fight back more forcefully.

91. To continuously improve one's own ability, you can benefit yourself and him. The ability to do practical things will not be empty after all. The end of the story is always full of rewards, is the title of the gold medal. - Fang Haiquan

92. Frustration has experienced too little, so I always take some trivial things seriously.

93, spring, not the season, but the heart; cloud water, not the scenery, but the heart.

94, good words are easy to impress people, good words are easy to offend people.

95. Struggle is the father of all things. - Tao Xingzhi

96. No matter what you do, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no unsuccessful. - Newton

97. Divide life into two, don't hesitate in the first half of life, and don't regret it in the latter half of life.

98. We should work hard and make a difference. In this way, we can say that we are not vain, and it is possible at the beach of time.

99, don't talk nonsense. Before you go out, you are still the master of the words. After you say it, you become a slave to the words.

100, life is not in the length, but in the meaning of living.

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