Famous sentence

a famous saying about dedication

1, the spring silkworms to the dead silk side, the wax torch into the gray tears began to dry. ----Li Shangyin "Untitled"

2. For people, the greatest joy, the greatest happiness is to dedicate their spiritual strength to others.

3. How much life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution. ——裴多菲

4, the green leaves do not linger on the flowers, and work beautifully and diligently for the flowers. - Anonymous

5, the sage does not mourn the death of his body, but worry about the decline of his country. - Su Shi

6, but all sentient beings are full, do not resign and stay in the dead. - Li Gang

7. Not every one has to stand on the first line. Everyone should do their own work. ——Herzen

8, spring silkworms to the end of the dead silk, people will not end in the period of time, still have to work hard to stay, for the youth as a category. ——Wu Yuzhang

9. Think about your mother, how small is her demand for life, but what kind of fate is falling on her head? - Turgenev

10, a person must be generous, only to be thanked. - Thomas Hardy

11. The torch that is lit is not for the torch itself, just as our virtues should illuminate others. - Shakespeare

12. Once the soap is used, it will gradually dissolve and even disappear, but in between, it can make the laundry clean and dirty. If there is soap that does not dissolve in the water, it is useless. Those who do not know how to sacrifice themselves to benefit the society, but who only know how to cherish their own power, are like soaps that will not melt. - Warner Meg

14, the strong man in the battle to decide which tube of some scars, fight to the millennium old devil, fight for the new generation of EMI. Generously throwing this body. - Hua Luogeng

15. The true Gaohong people will be able to benefit mankind.

16. If a person works only for himself, perhaps he can become a famous scholar, a great wise man, a remarkable poet.

17, peony flowers are easy to enter, the jujube flowers are small. --"Augmented"

18. If you want to rejoice in your meaning, you must give meaning to the world.

19. I feel that only the heart of humanity born with heartfelt gratitude is the most beautiful thing on earth.

20, the night quietly opened the flowers, but let the day to receive the thank-you.

21, who can offer my whole body, never give a hand.

22. Not every one must stand on the first line. Everyone should do their own work.

23, the heart is also unchanged, the first cut will not change! I only want the splendid mountains and rivers, and my beautiful face!

24. The most solemn question in the world is: What can I do good things?

25. The roots buried in the ground make the branches produce fruit, but they do not require any compensation.

26. Morality is the only unbeaten investment.

27. Giving is happier than accepting.

28, grass, sometimes standing on the head of the mountain, silently, never show off itself.

29, the meaning and value of what people do in their lives, more than people expect, depends more on the life of the soul.

30. Once the soap is used, it will gradually dissolve and even disappear, but in between, it can make the laundry clean.

31. The moon shines her light on the sky, but keeps her dark spots for herself.

32. History regards those who work for the broad purpose of the goal, and thus make themselves noble, as great people.

33. Although the shell died, it left its beauty to the whole world.

34. Trying to do one thing well is the first thing in life.

35, should let other people's lives become better because of your survival.

36. People are not given for gain; giving themselves is unparalleled joy.

37. People who boast of boasting have no ability, and those who have the ability do not boast.

38. How much life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution.

39. The torch that is lit is not for the torch itself, just as our virtues should illuminate others.

40. Science has no national boundaries because it belongs to the wealth of all mankind and is the torch that illuminates the world. But scholars have national boundaries. He always belongs to his motherland.

41, there is a point of heat, send a light.

42. People need to have a heart that sacrifices their own self-interest.

43. Andy Wanli, covered in Thursday; the warmth is like me, the world is infinite.

44. What we can enjoy is just the joy of giving.

45. All I have to do is to serve the truth and justice with my meager strength.

46. ​​The anchor is not afraid to bury himself. When people can't see it, it's when it is serving humanity.

47. I was shackled on my own land by an unbroken chain. I would rather have our poor, bleak world.

48. I know one thing. The only ones who are really happy are those who can't serve the crowd.

49, but let the body not die, and report to the Kun.

50, I am not worthy of a lamp, then let me make a piece of firewood! - Ba Jin

51. History regards those who work for the broad purpose of the goal, thus making themselves noble, as great people; experience praises the most happy people as the happiest. - Marx

52. Experience shows that success is mostly due to redness and less ability. A victor is a person who devote his body and soul to his work. - Charles Buxton

53. I know one thing. The only ones who are really happy are those who can't serve the people and find out how to serve them. - Shi Wei burning

54. People who boast of boasting have no ability, and those who have the ability do not boast. - Burmese slang

55. With the number of people who have died for ten years, the foundation of the country’s billions of years of immortality, the value of which is known. - Sun Yat-sen

56. Individuals must go to perfection with the rest of the people, constantly doing everything they can to expand and increase the flow of people moving in this direction. ——Annold

57. I am only filled with myself in my mind. This kind of person is the most empty person. - Lermontov

58. You and everything you have, if you don't come out and contribute to the world, just one person is alone, it is a waste. - Shakespeare

59. Good deeds are an unconscious seeding. - Anonymous

60, strong desire to fill the sea, bitterness is worrying. - Wen Tianxiang

61, the night quietly opened the flowers, but let the day to receive the thanks. - Tagore

62. When you start your day, you should remind yourself to love others. You should try to discover the beautiful things in the world. Then, from the outside reflection, you will find a lovely self. If you are about to leave the world, no one around you holds your hand tightly, which means that you have never extended a friendly hand to help others in your life. - Basquelia

63. Nature is great, mankind is great, but human activities filled with lofty spirits are especially great in greatness. - Mao Dun

64. There is wealth and no use. From the perspective of not achieving the goal. It means no wealth. - "Five Books"

65. What I need more is giving, not accepting. Because love is a wanderer, he can make his flowers flourish in the mud beside the road, but it is not easy to let them open in the crystal bottle of the reception room. - Tagore

66. If one day I can contribute to my public interest, I will consider myself to be the happiest person in the world. - Gogol

67. The purpose of life is not in the length but in how we use it. Many people live a lot of days, but they live for a long time. ——Montaigne

68. A ethical person often takes action for the interests of his friends and the state, and sacrifices his life if necessary. He would rather abandon the monetary honor and all the property that the world is vying for, and only seek his own nobleness. - Aristotle

69. The greedy heart is like a barren land in the desert, absorbing all the rain, but not breeding grass to facilitate others. - European slang

70, I am a spring silkworm, eat mulberry leaves will be silk, even if it is cooked in a pot, the dead silk is still continuous, in order to add a little warmth to the world. - Ba Jin

71, you have to remember, always be happy to give more to others, less to take from others. - Gorky

72. We should dedicate ourselves to different positions. ——Haisai

73. People who are born are far more charitable than those who die. - Arnold

74, men open their hearts, just like women shy and devote their dedication to their strict physical body. - Andrei Fire Moloa

75. Our generation is the generation of fertilization, using our own blood to irrigate the paradise that will be realized soon, so that future generations can enjoy all the happiness that human beings should have. This is the task of our generation. - Lika

76. A good student can find out his teacher's mistakes, but respectfully keep silent, because it is these mistakes that benefit him and make him go on the road. - Turgenev

77, hate not resisting the death of the day, staying as shame today. The country is still broken, I am sorry for my head. ——Ji Hongchang

78, the heart is also unchanged, the first cut will not change! I only want the splendid mountains and rivers, and my beautiful face! - Rou Shi

79. Our compensation depends on the contribution we make. - Wetley

80. If we want to make friends, we must first do something for others—those that take time and effort to do. - Carnegie

81. If there is a pair of wings, I am willing to be a moth on earth. I want to fly to the hot sun, let me be in a flash of light in front of my eyes, lose consciousness, and turn into a burst of smoke, a ash. - Ba Jin

82. The most needed aspect of giving is not within the scope of material wealth, it exists in the domain unique to human nature. - Frome

83, happiness is a kind of perfume, can not fall on others, but they do not touch some. - Emerson

84. Think of the happiness of others as your own happiness, give flowers to others, and leave the spines to yourself! - Valdes

85. Heroism is about sacrificing oneself for faith and truth. - Tolstoy

86. Dedication is the true meaning of life. What if we look at the next relics we have from our ancestors today? What they have left is their contribution to human life. - Adler

87. Whether it is good or not, this is my motherland. ——Dikadur

88. It is a waste to just one person to be alone. The birth of us is to use us as a torch, not to illuminate ourselves, but to shine the world; because our virtues cannot yet be pushed to others, it means no. - Shakespeare

89. All I have to do is to serve the truth and justice with my meager strength. - Einstein

90, to the country, when can not be? ——Yue Fei

91. People live in truth and self-dedication. ——Pang Tuo Bindan

92. The doctrine that made him dedicate himself to the realization of his early realization will not be affected by the conclusion of all laws and the destruction of the law, but will grow stronger and mature – just like the seeds of the earth, regardless of the winter frost, summer The drought of the day still dedicates its full grain to humans. ——Pang Tuo Bindan

93. Lighting a candle to illuminate others will not bring darkness to yourself. ——Jefferson

94. Morality is the only unbeaten investment. - Thoreau

95. People are not given for gain; giving themselves is unparalleled joy. - Frome

96. There are very people, and then there are very things. There are very things, and then there is great work. ——Sima Xiangru

97. As long as you have contributed as much as possible, it is already worthy of gratitude. - Turgenev

98. We must not contribute as long as we have income. The dark room is like a white, but at least it can be used to make people in the dark room realize the real situation around. ——恽代英

99. With the mother around, we don't have to seek someone else. She is very valuable to our teachings: to be kind and friendly, to be considerate to others in the first place; not to hurt others; never to beg; not to take advantage of others. The opposite is true in our family. She always wants us to give, but she never asks us for or pleads. She is such a person. - Michael Jackson

100. Like a candle for people to shine, there is a point of heat, a point of light, loyal and practical to contribute to the great cause of mankind. - Faraday

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