Famous sentence

a famous sentence with a firm belief

1. The most terrible enemy is that there is no strong belief. -Roman Roland

2, the height of the fountain will not exceed its source, the same is true of a person's career, his achievements will never exceed his beliefs. - Lincoln

3. Faith is the foundation of a person.

4. Although confidence is not steel, it can create a solid road to life.

5. It is not the feet but the ideals, wisdom, will and creativity that make people stand up.

6. If a person has enough faith, he can make a miracle. - Winsett

7. Have a life goal, a lifetime goal, a period goal, a stage goal, a year goal, a month goal, a week goal, a day goal, an hour goal, a one-minute goal. --Leo Tolstoy

8. The ideal is the master of the world. - Hawthorne

9. The will of those who are supported by indomitable beliefs is more powerful than those seemingly invincible material forces. - Einstein

10. As long as the doom is not convinced, the light of hope will dispel the cloud of despair. ——Zheng Xiufang

11. If you compare life to leverage, the belief just seems to be its "fulcrum". With this appropriate fulcrum, you can become a strong and powerful person. - Bo Yibo

12. Faith can only be strengthened and tempered if it survives in positive action. - Suhomlinski

13. The instinct of human spirit and animal is that we are leaving our own beauty, ideals and beliefs about lofty and beautiful things in the next generation while producing the offspring. - Suhomlinski

14. Faith is the torch of life.

15. The goal is not all that can be achieved, but it can be used as an aiming point.

16. A person who can think is really a boundless person. - Balzac

17. Faith is a bird. It feels bright and sings a song when dawn is still dark. - Tagore

18. A person without ideals is like a bird without wings.

19. Once a person's strong desire arises, it will soon turn into a belief.

20, people, as long as there is a belief, there is a pursuit, what hard can bear, and any environment can adapt. - Ding Ling

21, the belief is not to go around looking for the customer's product salesman, it will never take the initiative to knock your door. ——Zhao Xinshan

22. On the road of thorns, only faith and patience can open up a broad road. - Matsushita Yukisuke

23. The ideal of life is for an ideal life. - Zhang Wentian

24. The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal. - Socrates

25, ideal as the morning star, - we can never touch, but we can sail like a voyager by the position of the starlight. - Shi Lizi

26, without the wind and waves, you can not show the true color of the sail; without twists and turns, you can not taste the joy of life.

27. Without faith, there is no veritable character and life; without faith, there is no veritable land. ——American poet Whitman

28. Everyone has a certain ideal, which determines his direction of effort and judgment. In this sense, I never regard ease and happiness as the purpose of life itself - this ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of a pig-style. Illuminate my path, and constantly give me new courage to happily face the ideal of life, is good, beautiful and true. - Einstein

29, there is no ideal life, the road will be a tombstone of life.

30. Faith is a jewel in the journey of life. It can shine in the sun and sparkle in the night.

31. The most sad thing in spring is the lack of harvest; the most sad thing in life is the loss of loneliness.

32. People who don't know where they are going are mostly rushing through life.

33. Those who fight for their own goals are the seeders of a better life.

34, perseverance can conquer any peak.

35. It is terrible to break the dam and destroy the dam; but the most terrible thing is the collapse of will and faith.

36. A firm belief is better than a smart lazy.

37. I also don’t know whether the land is drifting with the flow, but I am proud to be proud of my belief. ——Cha Churchill

38. Whether a person has a belief does not depend on the chain or any other external pressure. - Tol Carlisle

39. Faith can only be strengthened and honed if it is in active action. - Suhomlinski

40. The biggest help to me is not the actual assistance of my friends, but the belief in getting help. - Epicurus

41. The will of those who are supported by indomitable beliefs is more powerful than those seemingly invincible material forces. - Einstein

42. The power developed by a person with conviction is greater than 99 people who are only interested. --Leo Tolstoy

43. Great works are not only done by strength, but also by unwavering beliefs. - Samuel Jensen

44. Learning sometimes only changes the composition of thoughts and beliefs in one's attitude. Therefore, once the time has passed, the attitude returns to the original state without changing the emotional and behavioral tendencies. - Social Psychology

45. Faith is a reserve. The passerby takes it with him at dawn, and I hope he can use it before the sundial. - Corroenko

46. ​​Faith can best be supported by experience and clear thinking. - Einstein

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