Famous sentence

Try to grasp the fleeting opportunities

It is said that after the majestic Alexandria Library was burned by the fire, only one book survived, but this book is not a valuable thing, so a poor man who could not recognize a few words bought a few coppers and bought it.

This book is not interesting to read, but there are interesting contents between the pages, such as the secret of the "touchstone" written on a narrow cowhide.

The touchstone is a small pebbles that can turn any ordinary metal into pure gold.

The book touches the touchstone in a myriad of pebbles. But the secret of this is that the real touchstone feels warm, and the ordinary stone feels cold.

So the man sold off a few poor things, bought some simple necessities, lived at the beach, and began to look for a touchstone.

He knew that if he picked up the cold ordinary stone and then dropped it, he might pick up the same stone hundreds of times. So if he found the stone cold, he threw it into the sea. He did it all day, but he didn't find a touchstone. However, he continued to repeat: pick up a stone and find it is cold, throw it into the sea, pick it up again, and throw it into the sea.

So day after day, a few weeks have passed and months have passed. At noon one day, he picked up a warm cobblestone and he threw it into the sea without thinking. He has developed the habit of throwing every stone into the sea, and this habit is so ingrained that he habitually throws it away even when he gets the dreamstone of the dream.

The same is true of opportunities. If we are not alert enough, even if the opportunity is in our hands, it is easy to miss us like the touchstone that was thrown away.

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