Famous sentence

A famous saying about responsibility, a sentence about responsibility and responsibility

If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the responsibility. - Tolstoy

The noble, great price is responsibility. - Churchill

Do your best, die and then. - Zhuge Liang

The industry is good at diligence, absurd in play; - Han Yu

No matter how progress you make, you can't make the people around you progress. This person's contribution to society is extremely limited. He will never be satisfied with 'loneness' and 'progress'. He must bear the responsibility and make everyone progress, at least to the surrounding. People are improving. ——Zou Yufen

"If a person has no enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is responsibility." "With or without responsibility, you will decide life, family, work, learning success and failure. This has nothing to do with all relationships between people." Not too late." - Tolstoy

He can take full responsibility for his actions when he is fully free to act with his will. - Marx

Responsibility is directly proportional to opportunities. -- Wilson

People with conscience have a sense of responsibility and professionalism. - Suhomlinski

The true manager must have the spirit of not shirking responsibility. - Anonymous

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible. ——Gu Yanwu

Although responsibility is sometimes annoying, it is only a coward and a waste of non-compliance. - Lewis

Everyone is asked by life, and he can only answer this question with his own life; only answer the life with "responsibility". Therefore, “capable of being responsible” is the most important essence of human existence. - Victor Ferranke

Everyone should have the confidence that the responsibility that man can bear, I will be able to bear; the responsibility that man cannot bear, I can bear. In this way, you can temper yourself and seek higher knowledge and enter a higher realm. - Lincoln

Life needs to know the responsibility of responsibility, in order to know the fun of doing responsibility. ——Liang Qichao

As a certain person, a real person, you have regulations, have a mission, and have a task. As for whether you realize this, it does not matter. - Marx

Freedom does not lie in the illusion of independence from the laws of nature, but in the understanding of these laws, so that it can plan to make the laws of nature serve for a certain purpose." Moreover, "freedom of will is only made by means of knowledge of things. That kind of ability. - Engels

The first meaning of freedom is to take responsibility for yourself. - Alai

Life needs to know the responsible suffering, in order to know the fun of fulfilling responsibility. ——Liang Qichao

Life will be immortal when it is associated with the lofty responsibilities of the times. - Chernyshevsky

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible. ——Gu Yanwu

Life is associated with lofty responsibilities. - Chernyshevsky

When labor is a responsibility, life is slavery. - Gorky

History and philosophy have many eternal responsibilities and are simple responsibilities. - Hugo

The real responsibility is to believe in yourself. - Anonymous

How much success can a person achieve? ——Heart has eyes

We should not waste our lives and should be able to say: "I have done what I can do." - Mrs. Curie

Society is like a boat, and everyone has to be at the helm. - Ibsen

It is better to reform yourself than to ban others. —— Lu Xun

There is no right without obligation and no obligation without rights. - Marx

If he wants to make a choice, he must always choose between the things in his life and the certain things that are never caused by his ownness. - Marx

Human beings always only propose tasks that they can solve, because as long as they are carefully examined, they can be found that the task itself will only be produced when the material conditions for solving it already exist or at least in the process of formation. - Marx

Responsibility and effective assignment of duties are among the elements of successful business operations. - Lord Ford

Being humble to the boss is a responsibility. - Franklin

A high sense of responsibility for nurturing young children. ——Xu Waiti

The responsibility of the gentleman is to teach people to be human. - Tao Xingzhi

Friendship is a responsibility. - Gibran

Friendship is always a sweet duty. - Gibran

The goal is to administer the responsibility of the manager, which is actually his primary responsibility. - Barnard

Any achievement I have is entirely attributable to a high level of responsibility for the client and the job. - Leo Burnett

The prestige of the teacher is first established in the sense of responsibility. - Macalenko

The major responsibility of modern enterprise management lies in the agreement between corporate goals and personal goals. - Mao Zhongqiang

Art should take responsibility for feeding ideas. - Bai Langning

The discovery of truth or the completion of moral responsibility will arouse our joy. - Croce

What is the respecter? Not slow, not debauchery. - Zhu Xi

Good farmers are not ploughed by water and drought, and good men are not forbidden to read, and gentlemen are not ignorant of poverty. - 荀子

The word of respect is the first righteousness of the holy gate... When there is nothing, respect is in it; when there is something, respect is in the matter, nothing happens, and my honour is not interrupted. - Zhu Xi

The true IKEA spirit is based on our enthusiasm, our constant innovation, our cost consciousness, our commitment to responsibility and willingness to help others, our professionalism, and our simple behavior. - Ingvar Kamprad

The docile young people grew up in the library, and they believed that their responsibility was to accept the opinions expressed by Cicero, Locke, and Bacon; they forgot that Cicero, Locke and Bacon wrote these books, but they were only in books. Young people in the library. - Emerson

We make advertisements for selling products, but please also remember that advertising has a broad social responsibility. - Leo Burnett

Mr. should not teach books. His responsibility is to teach people to be human; students should not study exclusively. His responsibility is to learn the way of life. - Tao Xingzhi

We serve the motherland, and we cannot all use the same method. Everyone should do everything they can according to their qualifications. —— Goethe

For a person, what is expected is nothing else, but only that he can go all out and dedicate himself to a good cause. —— Einstein

We are the masters of the country and should be considered for the country everywhere. - Lei Feng

If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will accomplish nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the responsibility. --Leo Tolstoy

To make a person show his essence, it is the most effective way to ask him to take responsibility. - Maugham

This society respects those who fulfill their responsibilities for it. ——Liang Qichao

Responsibility is a love for what you ask to do. - Goethe

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