Inspirational Quotes > Famous Quotes

Freud's famous words

1. There is no such thing as a slip; all the mistakes are the revealing of the subconscious mind; when you look down on a person, this kind of contempt must be able to feel that he/she will do something from Wei

2. Your eyes are tired, tired, close your eyes...

3. In the human subconscious, human sexuality has always been in a state of depression. The rules of civilization, such as the moral and legal system of society, make human instinctual desires in a rational control.

4. No one can hide his affair, even though his mouth can remain silent, his fingers will be more than tongue-in-cheek.

5. Abstinence is harmful to the body. In severe cases, both men and women may develop neurosis, such as insomnia, loss of appetite, unsociable personality, and easy to send "unknown fire", which is a manifestation of sexual depression.

6. Human beings are born with a "father's complex". From birth, he is destined to fight against his father to get rid of the status of being ruled and dominated, to fight for the right to independence and freedom, and to master the family's dominance and social initiative. right.

7. Our entire psychological activity seems to be determined to seek joy, avoid suffering, and is automatically regulated by the principle of the music.

8. Biologicality is fate.

9. The impulse of feelings is closer to the impulse of desire based on sexual instinct.

10. Dream is the satisfaction of desire.

11. A sense of morality is an integral part of a person's unique qualities.

12. The human body is fate.

13. Life is like chess, one step mistakes, all loses, this is a sad thing; and life is not as good as chess, it is impossible to come to another game, and can not repent.

14. Jokes give us pleasure by transforming a conscious process full of energy and tension into a relaxed, unconscious process.

15. The only important thing in life is love and work.

16. Everyone has an instinctive infringing energy storage device. In the storage device, the total amount of energy infringement is fixed. It is always expressed in some way, thus weakening the invasive driving force inside the individual.

17. People have a desire to suck.

18. For a boy, there is an exclusive desire for his mother in his subconscious. Anyone, including his father, will hate and even want to kill them if he threatens him.

19. Women are really unbearable and a source of eternal trouble, but they are still the best of the kind we have. Without them, the situation would be worse.

20. Man is a low-energy, mentally retarded creature that is governed by instinctive wishes.

21. I can't think of a child's needs that are stronger than the protection of my father.

22. Anyone with a sound five-minded person must know that he cannot keep secrets. If his lips are closed, his fingertips will speak; even every pore in his body will betray him.

23. People do not believe in their own death at all, or they are unconsciously convinced that they are not dead.

24. Conscience is an inner feeling, a resistance to some unusual desire to incite ourselves.

25. Don't go to women, because women are crazy.

26. Where is the past, where should I be?

27. Happiness is by no means a cultural value standard.

28. A child who is favored in his mother's arms will maintain a conquest for life. The success of self-confidence often brings real success. I am a horse, and I am a coachman. The horse is the driving force, and the coachman guides the horse. The self has to control the self, but the horse may not be obedient, and the two will be deadlocked until one party yields.

29. Men think in the lower body.

30. The human world is a tragedy.

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