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Treasure memory

When I turned things around that day, I stumbled across the photo album that I had hidden in the closet for a long time. I opened it curiously, and my childhood memories are vivid... Everyone’s life will encounter many things, some of which are over-the-top, and fleeting; some are like hot iron, the memory lasts forever; some are like flying birds. The horizon, gradually drifting away; and some things, like the summer river, the winter leaves, like the spring flowers, like the autumn grass, seemingly invisible, but the morning is not seen, many small things in childhood, generally so, not going I don’t think of anything.

Perhaps it is as people say, memory is like the words on paper. No matter how long the time has passed, the memory that remains on the paper will always exist, but some are burned, and only some unforgettable memories are deeply buried in us. The deepest part of the soul! Turning to the first page of the album reminds me of the fun of picking strawberries with my father. When I walked into the field, I learned that my father rolled up his trouser legs, wearing a huge straw hat and a plastic basin in his hand. After "arming" the whole body, I followed my father. Because I brought too many things, I was small and I walked around and swayed like a duck. Dad saw me in a wolf, and Junjun couldn’t help but laugh. He simply picked up the camera and "噼啪-" took this photo. Seeing it now, I really want to go back to the innocent world of my past.

"Ha ha ha..." I laughed openly. This photo was taken while playing in Zhuhai. At that time, my brother and I were chasing me in the marble-covered square, running in the air, and my face showed a happy smile from time to time. Mother took pictures when we didn't care. When the photo was washed out, I saw it, and my brother flew up. It turned out that when my mother was taking pictures of us, my brother just started to jump. In the future, whenever a guest comes to the house to be a guest, I will take out this photo and show them to them: "My brother is a fairy!" At this time, my younger brother will be blind to me, making me laugh and cry. Turning over this page, you can see the photos taken during the "Panyu Xiangjiang Wildlife World". Behind my brother and I was an artificially shaped tree that opened its mouth in a fierce manner, as if to devour us. But my brother and I still smile and smile.

Looking at a photo full of childlikeness, I seem to be back to the carefree childhood. Although these are old things, they are like small glowing shells that will remain on the beach I remember forever.

Second, second, second: Wu Yuting

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