Fan Wen Daquan > Broadcasting

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast

Autumn School Games Broadcasting essay Fan Yiyi: The Olive Branch of Victory

Before the dawn, the dark stars and the stars, Prometheus ignited the flame of the sport. With the flame of a Xiaguang movement, the athletes of the Olympia Mountain today are full of spirits, high spirits, full of energy, and condensed their eyes on the finish line. Let's fight hard. Struggle, the goddess will present a wreath of victorious olive branches.

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast draft essay two: to 100 meters athletes

The gunshots accompany you on the journey, you are holding your confident head, with the belief that you must win,
Rush and go.
At that moment, the time seems to stop for you, your courage vibrates everything,
Shocked everyone's heart. end. you win.
Although it is only a short ten seconds, you have left eternity in our hearts.

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast draft essay three: to high jump athletes

In the sunshine, the high jump venue is extraordinarily brilliant.
A thin pole is placed across the air.
It is fine, but it is like the hurdle in your life.
Not terrible, don't be afraid,
As long as you are determined,
As long as you have confidence,
What does this count?
Your muscular body, like a meteor, crossed the silent dawn.
The soft bedding blends all your happiness.
Without going through the rough, there will be no joy of success.
Again and again,
Beyond yourself again and again,
All the excitement is at the moment you jump, I will always remember it.
The athletes, with the body of the correcting key, sprinted one height after another.
If you don't try, how can you know if you are a strong person?
Beyond yourself, maybe create a new world!
Let’s cheer for the athletes!
To create a miracle, to create a surprise!

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast draft essay four: to 200 meters athletes

200M, there is a starting point of life 200M, there is a life of 200M corner, there is a life sprint 200M, there is a brilliant victory
200M, only a moment has achieved an eternal victory of 200M, only bend a corner but fold a lot of sweat to rush to your brilliant victory. Cross the moment and turn the corner victory to wave to you

Autumn School Games Broadcasting Draft Fan Wenwu: Song of Sports

The wind whispered to me: "Sports is a light years like me!"
The rain whispered to me: "Sports is what I do!"
Ray whispered to me: "Sports is so powerful!"
Electricity whispered to me: "Sports is such a bright and transparent!"
Exercise! Accept the baptism of the wind and rain in the movement, feel the lightning flash in the movement

Autumn School Games Broadcasting essay Fan Wenliu: Long-distance runners

At that moment, you are like a falling star like a meteor, like lightning.
You are the toughest in the sports field, relentlessly pursue, and you are the most graceful in the sports field without regrets. You chase me to the finish line with a warm applause, the game has been separated.

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast draft essay seven:

Passionate, we interpret human songs,
Shout! just sing!
Take out the voice of your heart and sing your grand vision.
The goal in the heart becomes a reality,
The song of victory belongs to every excited heart.
Applaud for life and toast to youth.
Here - Hangdian Stadium, we - the students of the new century will go all the way to victory and challenge the human limit.
The thought of human life is always moving forward.
Cheer for life, cheer for a younger life!

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast draft essay eight: to athletes

Not an interpretation of applause,
Undecisive conquest,
Only the hard sweat has turned into the pursuit of the footsteps.
a firm belief in the heart,
a steady pace at the foot,
You use action to tell a constant truth.
There is no longer way than the foot,
There is no mountain higher than people,
I hope to wave at you at the end.
Try Harder! With your gritty will,
Going to meet the applause of the finish line,
I believe that success belongs to you.

Fan Wenjiu, the broadcaster of the Autumn School Games: To the General Assembly

The morning breeze gently awakens the playground of the sun-drenched campus. The sound of the guns and the shouts are accompanied by a shouting voice and a starting point. The youthful and blood-stained white runway is used to ignite the dawn of victory with passion.

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast draft essay ten: hard work

"Put the old red 10,000 points, change the new green one hundred thousand",
Hard work is always a brave,
Success also always belongs to the brave and hard-working.
The baton delivers a spirit, a force,
It also conveys a fearless, invincible will.
Every athlete is working hard, fighting hard and fighting.
Spend your youthful energy on the long and short runway.
Fight hard, athletes,
Use our spirit to write our youthful style to show our youth!

Autumn school sports meeting broadcast draft essay eleven: instant eternal

Block red, little green world because you are more beautiful, the wind is successful, the free bird said that I am accompanying you to pursue the refraction of the forehead, not only the sun but also a hope for it, from planting you to see the stage A pair of eyes watching your eyes clearly said: Whether you succeed or not, it belongs to you and you must be eternal.

Autumn School Games Broadcasting Draft Fan Wen 12: Long-distance runners

I know
This is the test of the will,
On the long runway,
Leave a long insistence.
I know this is the test of endurance.
Every step forward,
Full of persistence and determination.
I know that you are the star of today,
I sincerely wish you all the best!
Cheer for you!
No regrets

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