Work Plan > Safe Work Plan

2019 kindergarten safety work ideas

Abstract: To provide young children with healthy and rich learning and living activities to meet the needs of all aspects of children's development, it is necessary to let young children know the necessary safety and health knowledge and learn to protect themselves. In the current semester, in order to make children's physical and mental development better, and the future work is better, we have made the following plans.

One: Teachers should do:

1. Stick to the morning check every day. Ensure that young children do not bring dangerous goods into the park. Strict child safety system to prevent burns, trauma, drug poisoning, prevent foreign bodies from entering the ear, nose and trachea, and prevent children from being lost.

2. Take care when eating rice to prevent burns. Be sure to warm the soup and then give it to the young child, and bring the child to the front.

3, take good children to take medicine, the medicine must be placed in places where children can not reach, and write the name of the child. According to the parents' taking requirements, ensure that the medication is timely and accurate, and it is strictly forbidden to take the wrong or missed service.

4. Adhere to the daily inspection to prevent children from entering the bedroom with foreign objects and prevent foreign matter from entering the ear, nose and mouth. No matter who is on duty at noon, we must double the number of children, not to ignore the children who have lunch breaks, especially taking medicine. Inspect children for bad sleep habits, such as hooding and correct in time.

5. Ensure the ventilation and cleanness of the classroom, ensure the safety and hygiene of the corner materials, and disinfect the toys regularly.

6. Timely prevention of the occurrence of infectious diseases, to ensure that one person a towel.

7. Strictly write inspection records and count the number of people and items in a timely manner.

8. During outdoor activities, teachers carefully check the safety of the venue, promptly eliminate unsafe factors, ensure the safety of young children, and not forget children's items after the event.

9. Cultivate children's self-protection ability, work closely with parents, and strengthen prevention awareness.

10. Strict implementation of kindergarten parking rules and regulations. Bring the child to the hands of his parents.

11. When the teachers in the afternoon and afternoon leave the park, they should be inspected throughout the class, such as water, electricity, doors, windows and valuables to be put into storage.

12. Teachers are always vigilant at work, put safety in the first place, eyes do not leave the children, where the children go, where the teacher's eyes are.

Two: In the aspect of young children to do:

To be safe, we must have a good order. The formation of a good order comes from the cultivation of children's daily life behavior norms. We must strictly demand children and start from scratch. Cultivate young children's self-protection ability, strengthen their awareness of prevention, and let young children remind themselves or others to pay attention to safety on a safety-conscious basis. Young children need to stand at least 10 times a day in the park. We hope to be orderly, make demands on young children, and use small red flowers to reward

1. Strengthen regular education, be orderly, and consciously line up to wash hands, drink water, urinate, etc.

2. To ensure the safety of the upper and lower buildings, young children can do not push or pull, do not jump steps.

3. Young children know that they don't walk with strangers, don't eat strangers, and know that they can't just leave adults or groups.

4. Young children know that they should not put their hands between the doors, between the tables, and between the chairs to avoid injury.

5. When playing large toys outdoors, do not push or squeeze, children supervise each other, help each other when taking equipment, to ensure the safety of young children.

6. Know that you can't touch electric sockets and other electrical appliances. Be careful when using scissors. Know the correct use of scissors.

7. Know that you don't put paper balls, buttons, etc. in your ears or nose, and don't put foreign objects in your mouth.

8. Infiltrate the relevant safety knowledge in the teaching activities, let the children know the number and purpose of the emergency call number of 110, 120, 119. In case of emergency, they can call for help and minimize the unsafe factors.

We must always be vigilant in our work, put safety first, keep our eyes out of the children, where the children go, and where the teacher's eyes are. Create an environment for activities related to safety education, combine the activities of daily activities, conduct health and safety education for young children and carry out related activities to enable children to master some self-protection skills and improve their protection ability. Various activities will be carried out naturally in the daily life of kindergartens, education and teaching activities, and all aspects of the game. Through the various activities to help young children understand the simple knowledge and methods of self-protection, the safety of young children can be truly guaranteed.

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