Work Plan > Safe Work Plan

Class safety work plan

Children are the future of the motherland. It is the duty of each of our educators to let them grow up healthily and happily. Safety education is also an indispensable part while teaching them scientific and cultural knowledge. In order to cultivate children's safety awareness and learn simple safe self-help methods, our class has developed a safety education plan: 1. Activity safety education children follow the rules of activities, do not carry dangerous goods for games, do not do dangerous actions in the game, no I left the group without permission, and the companions lived in harmony with each other, and they were modest and arrogant. 2, eating, nap safely know not to eat unclean and taste the enzyme food, pay attention to the safety of thorny bone food when eating, as well as the safety of hot soup hot soup. Do not play clothes during nap, do not sleep on the head, pay attention to the safety of going up and down the stairs.

3, life safety education children do not move the socket, electric board, to prevent electric shock, do not put your fingers on the door, window, to prevent pinch, pay attention not to play with water, fire, soap and disinfection items, educate children not to push the toilet Do not squeeze to prevent injury or bruises. 4. Drug management safety Parents should cooperate with the names, dosages, time, etc. of the children who need to take medicine. Teachers should do a good job in drug management to prevent children from eating. 5, safe transportation to the park to enter the class, and hello to the teachers, do not stay in other places in the park; leave the park must say goodbye to the teacher, and explain the identity of the recipient, do not leave with strangers or leave the park without permission. 6. Family Safety To educate parents about the importance of safety education and the safety education activities of kindergartens, parents are encouraged to actively cooperate with kindergartens in safety education, home safety and home activities. 7. Simple self-rescue method to identify the use of special numbers, and educate young children not to play these numbers at will. Remember your home address, phone number, parent's name, etc., training and guidance>Children's identification direction, telling children not to believe in strangers, if one is at home, do not open the door at will. In the event of danger, educational children learn to avoid. Cultivate children to do more and do what they can, learn to take care of themselves.

In order to further implement the school's food and drug regulatory responsibilities, put an end to the existence of counterfeit and shoddy foods and medicines in the school, and ensure the health and safety of teachers and students, the Changshan County Education Bureau issued the goals and plans for the school's food and drug safety work in 2006.
1. The County Education Bureau set up a leading group for food and drug safety , with the head of the team as the leader and a working office in the Education Section. Each school establishes and improves the school food safety work organization, clarifies that the principal is the first person responsible for food and drug safety in the school, and has leadership responsibility for food and drug safety work within the scope of duties; designated personnel to take charge of food and drug safety work, and in charge of school food The drug safety is directly responsible, and the food and drug safety management work is included in the annual work assessment content of the in charge of personnel to implement the reward and punishment system.
Second, establish various food and drug safety work rules and regulations. The system should mainly include eight systems: the canteen, the physical examination system for the employees in the store, the disinfection of the utensils, the storage and the wearing of the work clothes, the cleaning system, the 24-hour sample retention system for the teachers and students, and the accountability system for food and drug safety accidents in the school. The implementation of each proofreading system should be regularly supervised and inspected to reduce or eliminate potential food and drug safety hazards and prevent the occurrence of major food and drug safety accidents within the school.
Third, actively carry out school food and drug safety publicity and education work. All schools should formulate work plans for food and drug safety education, vigorously carry out special publicity and education activities on food and drug safety , and advocate for planning for healthy consumption. It is required to conduct food safety and health education activities no less than two times per semester.
Fourth, strengthen the management of food and drug safety in schools. The school must improve the various supervision and management systems, implement the duties of supervision and management of special personnel, sign the responsibility for food and drug safety with the contractor, and put forward clear requirements for food and drug health and safety . Non-workers are prohibited from entering and exiting the canteen, the processing room of the store, and the food ingredient storage room.
5. All schools should establish and improve emergency response mechanisms for sudden food and drug safety incidents in schools, and formulate food and drug safety work plans. It is necessary to cooperate with the relevant departments to do a good job in the quantitative and hierarchical management of food hygiene supervision in school canteens. Actively carry out the construction activities of “Thousands of Town Chain Supermarkets and Wancun Reassurance Stores”. Three intra-school chain supermarkets were built during the year, and 26 schools were assured of building construction tasks with a coverage of more than 50%. Actively promote the fixed-point distribution of vegetables and meat.
Sixth, schools with school doctors, to carry out standardized pharmacy establishment activities, to achieve standardized drug management, to ensure the acceptance of the "standard pharmacy" compliance within the year.
7. Improve the reporting system for food and drug safety information. According to the "Emergency Plan for Major Food Accidents in Changshan County", once a school has a mass incident involving food and drug safety , it must report to the Education Bureau and relevant departments accurately and in a timely manner within the prescribed time limit. Missing reports and false reports, otherwise the responsible person will be severely punished. Information about school food safety education activities shall be reported to the office no less than two per semester.

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