Inspirational movie

Inspirational movie list 2019

Inspirational movie list 2011

First, European and American inspirational movies

1. "Forrest Gump"

2. "Shawshank's Redemption"

3. "When happiness comes knocking on the door"

4, "The City without the Lord"

5, "Millions of Baby"

6, "The Soul Catcher"

7, "Brave Heart"

8, "Tekken Man"

9. Glory Road, Glory Road

10, "Wind and Harvard Road"

11, "The rest of the island"

12, "Wind and Harvard Road"

13, "Play like Jordan"

14, "Dancing dreams come true"

15, "Summer of Jeans"

16, "Revitalize the ball"

17, "The ball has been out of bounds"

18, "Magic Cinderella"

19. "The Sky of the Latin Boy"

20, "Peace Warrior"

21, "Wanfu is not enemies"

22, "Rage of the Sea"

23. Pirates of the Caribbean

24, "Sun Like me"

25. "Face to the Giants"

26. "October's Sky"

27, "dream girl"

28, "Spring of the cattle class"

29, "Song of the Songs"

30. Carter Coach

31. "Top Gun"

32. "Never retreat"

33. "Best Gifts"

34. Graduate Survival Guide

35, "My Left Foot"

36. "Good Medicine"

37. "Piano Boy Who Wants to Fly"

38. "Listen to Heaven"

39. "Green Race"

40. "The Queen of Prada"

41. "Following Dreams"

42. Annapolis

43. "Listen to Heaven"

44. "Orchestra Mania"

45. "Famous Four Seas"

Second, Japan and South Korea inspirational movies

1. "Run, Child"

2, "The most brilliant moment in my life"

3, "lifting King Kong"

4, "Pool Dragon"

5, "Wind Fighter Baramui Fighter"

6. "The Final Movement of the Nodame Lovers"

7. "The Road to Honor"

8, "My Teacher"

9, "Fist King Ali"

Third, domestic inspirational movies

1. "Looking for Jackie Chan"

2, "Du Lala promotion"

3, "take up my father to go to school"

4, "Happy"

5, "Phoenix Nirvana"

6, "Next Station Days"

7. "The Challenger Yao Ming"

8, "Hello Beijing"

9, "I want to be famous"

10. Etude

11, "2 minutes and 20 seconds"

12, "I heard"

13. "Reverse Meteor"

14. "The other shore of the shore"

15, "Urban aliens"

16, "Go on the bus"

17, "The Traces"

18, "A person's battle"

19, "Chasing"

20, "I am a little bird"

21, "footprint"

22, "The Other Shore"

23, "Fireworks Youth"

24, "After tomorrow"

25, "I believe"

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