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The famous saying of life

1. Health, what I want, righteousness, and what I want. The two cannot be combined, and those who are born and taken out are also. ------ Meng Hao

2. The path of life is progressive, always going up the slope of the infinite spiritual triangle, and nothing prevents him. --------Lu Xun

3. If you move, you will be happy. ------Yang Wanli

4. Life is like running water. Only when his rapids and rushing forward, is it beautiful and meaningful. ------Zhang Wentian

5. As the dead, the martyr's courage also. ------Zhuang Zhou

6. Originally, life was only once, and it was precious to anyone. -------瞿秋白

7. Get his ambition, though he is still alive, he can’t be ambivalent, though he is still alive. -------anonymous

8. Fish is born in water and dies in water; grass is born in earth, dying in earth; life is in the road and dying in the road. ------Hu Hong

9. I always feel that life itself should have a meaning, and we are by no means in vain. ------Xi Murong

10. We go step by step, go on a down-to-earth basis, and never resist the burdens that life gives us. It is a brave man. At the moment when I suddenly looked back, life must give us a fair answer and another happy mood. At that time, the mountains and waters replied that the mountains are water, and life has already passed, what a beautiful autumn. . --------San Mao

11. People who understand life and love life are happy. ------- Anonymous

12. Life can't be twice, but many people are not good at it. ------Lucat

13. I have always maintained this belief in my life. The meaning of life lies in giving, not giving, not trying. -------Bajin

14. Respect for life, respect for others and respect for one's own life are concomitant in the course of life and a condition of mental health. ------ Fromm

15. There are two tragedies in life: one is that everything is gray, and the other is full of ambition. -------Shaw Bernard

16. Life, that is the gem that will naturally be carved by humans. - Nobel

17. Life is not equal to breathing, life is activity. - Rousseau

18. Life is a difficult and narrow valley that only brave people can pass. - Michelle Pan, a great soul, will strengthen thought and life. - Emerson

19. There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, people who understand life and love life. - Roman Roland We can only get life if we give our lives. - Tagore

20. A life full of content is a long life. We must measure life by behavior, not by time. - If Seneca is good at using, life is long. - Seneca

21. Life is shining in the glory, and it is true in the ordinary. -- The shortening of Burke's life is directly proportional to the illusion of thought. - Darwin cherishes life and cherishes today. --proverb

22. Life is a day that symbolizes a lifetime. --proverb

23. Who can enrich each moment with profound content, who is infinitely extending his life. - Kurtz Our life is only once, but if we can use it correctly, it will be enough. - The English proverb cannot be life twice, but many people are not good at it. ——Lv Kate has a problem in life, that is, how to make an inch of time equal to one inch of life. - Anonymous I never forget that living itself is fun. - Anonymous

24. Life is like chess, one step mistakes, all lose. -------Floyd

25. Respect for life and full respect for life. ------Dugar

26. Today is life----the only life you can know. -------Carnegie

27. Life is the only wealth. -------Laski

28. Life can be calculated not only in years, but also in events. ------Disley

29. Those who know the true meaning of life can prolong their short life. ------Cicero

30. Sometimes I think, if people regard each day of life as the last day of life, how good it is! This shows the value of life. ------Helen Keller

31. Life is gone forever! Don’t let go before you keep it; when you let go, you will never find it, and death will make you an empty person, just like the empty branches after the trees fall off the leaves. It’s finally getting more and more empty, and even you have faded, and it has fallen. ------- Galsworthy

32. Don't look at the past with a sentimental eye, because the past will never come back again. The smartest way is to deal with your present situation. Now it’s in your hands, you have to be upright. The manly spirit to meet the dreamlike future. ------- Lang Ferro

33. Life is a precious thing, and death is the greatest evil. ------Heine

34. Making a person’s limited life more effective means equalizing the life of a person. -------Lu Xun

35. I only have one life, and it is quite short. Why do I waste my life on the things I don’t want to do most? -------- and Landes

36. As we walk through the world, we must cherish the value of life. In a sense, life is harder than death. To die, it takes only a moment of courage, but it takes the courage of the world. ------Anonymous

37. The purpose of life is not in the length but in how we use it. Many people live a lot of days, but they live for a long time. ------Montaigne

38. Say no to people, life is the highest thing in all treasures. -------- Felbach

39. You should face life with a smile, no matter what. ------- Fucik

40. It is hard to come back in the prime of the year. --------Tao Qian

41. Between the heavens and the earth, if the white space is over, it will be. ------Zhuang Zhou

42. I think people can live a fun and useful life at every stage. We should not waste our lives. We should be able to say, "We have done what I can do." People can only ask us to do this, and only then can we have a little happiness. ---------Murrey

43. We will never get more time, we have, in fact, we have had all twenty-four hours of existence. ------ Carnegie

44. Life, as long as you make the most of it, it is long-lasting. ------Seneca

45. Life is everything. Life is God. Everything is changing and moving. This kind of movement is God. When there is life, there is the kind of happiness that perceives the gods. To love life is to love God. The most difficult and happiest thing is to love this life when suffering from innocent pain when you suffer. -------Leo Tolstoy

46. ​​No one is alive forever, nothing can last. ------Tago

47. Life is short-lived and must not be insignificant. -------Disley

48. There is life and there is hope there. ------- Telendius

49. Life is real, life is sincere, and the grave is not his end. ------Longfellow

50. Of all the shortcomings we have, the most rude is to despise our existence. The more you love life, the less you can afford the conditions of the living. If you only want to gaze at life, what do you want to do? ------Du Garr

51. Life is a one-way road. No matter how you change it, you will not go back. Once you understand and accept this. Life is much simpler. ------Moore

52. If I am allowed to live another life, I am willing to repeat my life. Because, I have never regretted the past and are not afraid of the future. -------Montaigne

53. People who love life are by no means a loser. -------Fed

54. As long as you have the courage, life will be beautiful. ------- Anonymous

55. When a person's youth is over, there will be a beautiful and mature period like the autumn. At this time, the fruit of life waits for harvest in a beautiful calm atmosphere like ripe rice. ------Tago

56. The struggle is sweet. ------- Hugo

57. Think of each dawn as the beginning of life, and see every dusk as a summary of your life. ------Roskin

58. On the road to life. the future is very long and dark. But don't be afraid. there is always a path for the fearless. ------- There is Shimaro

59. Being able to pin your life in the memory of others seems to have lengthened life. ------ Montesquieu

60. Although life is only a few decades old, it is by no means a dreamy disillusionment, but a profound meaning with infinite eloquence; with the truth, life will be eternal. ------Tago

61. Life is like a book, fools go through it and look at it, and smart people read it with heart. Because he knows that this book can only be read once. ------Paul

62. If you don’t see the boy’s head, it’s like a cloud, and it’s as strong as a cloud. ------ situation

63. Life seems to be a bacterium. ------- Hanshan

64. The greatest happiness in life is when you don't need extra pursuit of happiness. ------Anonymous

65. Before we understand what life is, we have already halved it. ------- Herbert

66. Life does not sell round-trip tickets. Once you leave, you must never return. ----------Roman Roland

67. Life is an arrow. Therefore, you must know what target to aim at and how to bow it---- then pull the bowstring and let the arrow fly out! ------ Fan Dai Gram

68. There are many shortcomings in the activities of the world, but they are still beautiful. ------- Rodin

69. Life is not a short candle, but a torch that we have temporarily held. We must burn it very brightly and then hand it over to the next generation. ------Shaw Bernard

70. The meaning of life is to live a full life, not to live long. ------Martin Luther King

71. Our lives are gifted, and we can only get life if we give our lives. -------Tago

72. Dear friends, all theories are grey, and the precious tree of life is evergreen. ------Goethe

73. Each flower can only be opened once and can only enjoy the warm or gentle life of a season. Why are we different? We can only come once, only have one name. And you, how do you live your life? How do you write your name? ------- Xi Murong

74. Although everyone seeks a lot, what is needed is minimal. Because life is short-lived, human destiny is limited. ------- Goethe

75. No one is immortal and no one lasts forever. Brother, remember this and rejoice. -------Tago

76. Our life is the weather in March, and it can be violent and calm in an hour. ------- Emerson

77. I love life, and for the good of it, I participated in the struggle. ------- Fucik

78. Although you are in distress, don't be uneasy, you always always flow out of the fountain of life from the dark. ------Sadi

79. Once you have a shock, forget about it and continue to live in a new situation. ------Silenpe

80. Of all the shortcomings we have, the most rude is to despise our existence. ------Montaigne

81. Because of its shortness, life should be turned into the most magnificent history of civilization in mankind to obtain eternity; life is only because of its shortness, but also to cherish every moment of youth so that it is as far as possible within a limited life line. Give the most light and heat. ------- Anonymous

82. We can't wait for the music to steal our lives! ------Lincoln

83. Life is by no means a dream of sorrow. How much will be gained in the wilderness of life. For the hard-working cultivators, life is always lovely. ------- Anonymous

84. Long life may not be good enough, but good life is long enough. ------Franklin

85. Life shines in the flash and reveals reality in the ordinary. ------Berke

86. Burning a person's soul is the love of life, and it is the death of the dead. -------San Mao

87. As life progresses, it is heading for death. ------- Fuentes

88. The true creed of the Holy One is to make the best use of life and make the most of life. ------- Herbert

89. Whoever loves and loses, is it foolish? ------- Wang Tong

90. As long as you are willing to do it, people have nothing to do. -------- Elliot

91. Let the dead go to bury the dead. Since we have life, we should live and live happily. ------Leo Tolstoy

92. The purpose of life is to enjoy life. -------Weiss crown

93. Spring flowers are not as good as grass, and teenagers are not as beautiful as old ones. ------Yuan Mei

94. Strive to make a living and work hard to die. ------ Zhou Enlai

95. Waste of life is the greatest tragedy of being a human being. ------ Manger

96. Life is a weaving shuttle. ------Shakespeare

97. Life is not a brilliant spectacle or a rich feast. It is a precarious predicament. ------Santa Guna

98. Unknown students, knowing death? ------- Confucius

99. Human life is constantly adapting to adaptation. ------- Hardy

100. The perfect person is not what he has, but what he is. - Wilde

101. If a person only spends one day a day and has no hope, his life will actually stop. - Maupassant

102. Hey! Life! Hey! Life! I understand... I used to look for you in my own empty, occluded soul. My soul is broken; my wound is equal to a window, from which I breathe in the air; I can breathe again. Hey! Life, I found you again! ------Roman Roland

103. The revenge for shameful acts is the salvation of life. -------Roman Roland

104. My life belongs to the whole society; it is my special privilege to work for the whole society as much as I can in my life. ------Shaw Bernard

105. The value of life is not in the length of time, but in how you use it. ------Montaigne

106. Isn't a person's life as precious as the fate of a generation? You know, everyone is a complete world that lives with him, and each tombstone has a history of the world. ------ Heine Cohen

107. Life must be self-respecting. -------Lu Jiuyuan

108. Everyone is a product of his past. ------Merosto

109. When I am alive, I am to be the master of life, not to be a slave to it. ------ Whitman

110. Life is endless enjoyment, eternal happiness, and intense intoxication. -------Farodan

111. Born in sorrow and died in peace. ------- Fan Zhongyan

112. People have their own lives, such as the grain of Taicang, such as the burning of electric light, such as the dead wood of the cliff, such as the microwave of the dead sea. How do you know if you are not sad? How can you not be happy? ------Hong Yingming

113. Is life for the sake of making short-lived things permanent? To do this, you must know how to value this short and permanent. -------- Goethe

114. Life is like a white paper, all of which is depicted by the pen of life. Those who play with paper and paper can only paint a mess of ink on white paper; serious writers will leave a beautiful article on white paper. --------Anonymous

115. The end of the journey will be the end of our lives. ------Mettlink

116. With the truth, life will be eternal. ------Tegel

117. The past and the future are the ones that compare the nature of human beings that have no beginning, no end, and always flow. There is a continuous vitality among them. The first line is inseparable and cannot be separated and cannot be extinguished. ------ Li Dazhao

118. In the rough life, we have to feel beyond ourselves. -----Benavente

119. Do you love all beings, don't love life? Love the extremes of life, and then love the group. -------秋瑾

120. People who love life are by no means a loser. ------Fed

121. There is only one truth in the world that is faithful to life and loves it. --------Roman Roland

122. Life is sustained by many divergent problems that cannot be “inborn” and can only be resolved in death. --------Shumeihe

123. There are three things human beings have to experience: birth, life and death. They were ignorant when they were born, and they died when they died, but they did not want to live. When they were alive, they slowed down their lives. ------- La Bruyère

124. To love life from work is to implement the deepest secrets of life. ------- Gibran

125. The essence of life lies in death, so only those who are willing to live can really not feel the pain of death. -------Montaigne

126. Being able to pin your life in the memory of others, life seems to have lengthened a bit; glory is the new life we ​​have acquired, which is precious and precious, and it is no less than a gift of life. -------- Montesquieu

127. God is willing to pity the grass, and the world is heavy and sunny. ------Li Shangyin

128. We cried and died, lived in pain, and died in disappointment. ------- Anonymous

129. If the flowers are unbeaten and we can live on the earth forever, then the coincidence will not attract people to be so emotional. When the flowers bloom, the square reveals the splendid brilliance of life; the love of flowers and flowers shows the infinite cherish of the people. The ephemeral things on earth, once met, will inspire infinite joy in people's hearts. ------Dongshan Kuiyi

130. Our lives, like the concertos of the world, are made up of different factors - composed of various tones, wonderful and harsh, sharp and peaceful, lively and solemn. -------Montaigne

131. Life is like a fable. Its value lies not in its length but in its content. ------Benavente

132. Life is always beautiful in the worst or the best, and it has always been beautiful. ------Dreiser

133. The wise man warned me that life is just a dew on a lotus leaf. ------Tegel

134. Life is tempered by all kinds of experience. ------Monsen

135. There is no art more difficult than life. Other art and scholarships have teachers everywhere. -----Siniga

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