Secretarial knowledge > commendation letter

The third grade primary school students pick up the gold and praise the letter

Dear school leader:

Hello! First of all, I pay tribute to your child who can cultivate good morals!

The thing is this: I lost my wallet on December 12, 2019, because the snow is very big, the wallet is covered with snow. The next day, the third grade 7 class xx students in your school got the wallet in the snow and handed it over to the property. The property contacted me according to the heating fee receipt. He did not leave a name. Later, his parents found me and confirmed that I received the wallet. I realized that he was a student of your school.

My gratitude cannot be said. The spirit of xx students who are worthy of the money is worth learning from all the students. Her actions fully reflect the noble moral sentiments and spiritual outlook of your school. Therefore, I hope that your school can give praise in public to show encouragement. Let more children learn from them, carry forward the past and carry forward the good character of good tradition!

Once again, pay tribute to your school to cultivate children with good moral character!


Lost owner: xx

December 16, 2019

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