Secretarial knowledge > commendation letter

Letter format

The letter of commendation usually consists of five parts: title, heading, body, ending and landing.
In general, the title of the commendation letter is composed solely of the name "commendation letter". The position is in the middle of the first line.
The title of the appellation letter should be written at the top of the list with the name and name of the institution, unit, group or individual being praised. The letter of commendation written to the individual should be followed by the words "comrade" and "sir" after the name, followed by a colon. If you directly post a commendation letter to an organization, unit, or group, you do not need to write the recipient unit at the beginning.
The content of the body of the text should be separated by another line. The general requirements are to write the following.
1. Reasons for the representation of Yang In the language of general narrative, focus on the occurrence, development, results and significance of the deeds of the characters. The narrative should be clear, to highlight the most essential aspects, to let the real thing speak, and to talk less about the empty truth.
2. Point out the meaning of the behavior on the basis of narrative evaluation, discussion, praise the moral significance of the person's actions. For example, it is pointed out that this kind of behavior belongs to a good idea, good fashion, good character.
At the end of this part, we should raise the praise of the other party, or make suggestions to the other party's unit, and hope to praise the XX. For example, "the outstanding morality of a certain comrade is worth learning, and it is recommended to praise it." The letter of commendation written to me should be appropriately discussed in terms of "being deeply touched" and "worthy for us to learn". At the end, I would like to write a closing phrase such as "Today's salute". But the words "to the best of this", "blessing", "remember", "to you" are written at the end, and the rest of the words must be written in a separate line.
The name of the issuing unit or the name of the individual shall be indicated in the payment. And indicate the date of writing on the bottom right.

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