Secretarial knowledge > Proposal

Primary school low carbon life proposal

Dear students, Hello everyone.

For you, for me, for him, for the earth's homeland where we live, and for the good life of tomorrow, from now on, we must act positively to save electricity, save energy, recycle, and pass the green and low carbon. life. To this end, I send the following initiatives to all my students:

1, always pay attention to save electricity, you have to turn off the power.

2. Use less disposable products, classify waste, and recycle resources.

3, ride more bicycles, take more buses, climb stairs, and contribute to energy saving and emission reduction.

4. Participate in afforestation activities and strive to be a green civilization messenger.

5. Save on the use of non-renewable energy and rational use of renewable energy.

From now on, let us work hard to save more energy and save more energy. Let each of us become an advocate of low-carbon life, become a communicator of low-carbon ideas, and join hands to build our green low-carbon new home!

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