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Water Conservation Proposal Template

Dear friends,

Water is the source of life, the material basis for human survival and development, and the lifeblood of national economic and social development. Since 2019, China has been seriously affected by the drought. In the spring of 2019, the southwestern part of China suffered the worst drought in 60 years. Since the fall of 2019, the Luyu area of ​​China has also encountered a drought in a hundred years. In particular, the southwestern region of Shandong has encountered a drought in the past 200 years, and the living conditions of the local people have been greatly threatened. This shows that the living environment of human beings is in jeopardy. For a long time, people generally think that water is “inexhaustible and inexhaustible”. In daily life, water is not aware of how important water is to us. If you pay attention, you will find that there is indeed something around you. This or that wastes water resources. The reason is mainly that the awareness of water saving is not enough, and the concepts and habits of saving water are not developed. Therefore, it is imperative to vigorously carry out water conservation work and build a water-saving society. Here, we advocate that the whole society is actively taking action, and everyone must strive to be a propagator of water conservation, an advocate of civilized water, and a practitioner of scientific water use.

First, actively promote water knowledge, spread water-saving ideas, promote water-saving fashion, and do propaganda to save water. Water conservation is not only a matter of self-reliance, but more importantly, it is to help the world, to convey the awareness of water conservation to everyone around you, and to expand the impact of water conservation to a larger field.

Second, earnestly study water-saving knowledge, promote water-saving methods, innovate water-saving technologies, and strive to be the promoter of scientific water conservation.

Third, love water, water, water, start from now, start from me, start from small things, advocate brushing your teeth, use less water, wash your face with a glass of water, use less water, take less water, usually use a drop of water When washing, use detergent in an appropriate amount, and do not pour leftovers, leftovers, etc. into the water. Ask everyone to be aware of the waste of water that is happening around them, dare to talk about it, supervise each other, jointly protect and utilize water resources, and make water saving a habit!

Saving is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and water conservation requires the joint efforts of the whole society. Water-saving activities, in the contemporary, Huize Qianqiu. I hope that everyone must act positively, let us join hands and work together, and invest in water-saving and drought-resisting activities very early, and make a contribution to the overall victory of drought and disaster prevention!

Advocate: Jining City Moral Model - Hao Long

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