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Letter to Whitman

To Whitman's book [United States] Emerson Huang Jizhong translated dear Sir: The value of this precious gift of "Grass Leaf Collection", I can turn a blind eye. I think the poetry collection is wise and is the most outstanding work in the history of the United States. At the time of reading, you can't win, just as big talents make people happy. It satisfies my usual demands for nature, as if it is too delicate or sloppy to make our Western talents obese and mediocre. I like your free and brave thoughts. I like it very much. I found something unbeatable that was unbeatable. I also found some bold treatments that are really exciting. This can only be provoked by farsightedness. At the beginning of your great cause, I would like to extend my congratulations to you. You are so blockbuster, it will certainly be a journey. I blinked my hand and wanted to see if this sunshine was really illusory. However, it is really confusing to hold a masterpiece. The greatest advantage of the poetry collection is that it gives courage and courage. I saw the advertisement of this book in the newspaper last night, I believe that your name is the real name of the real name, you can write to you. I look forward to having a good relationship with your good teacher and friend. I really want to work in New York to visit you. RW Emerson July 21, 1885 in Concord, Massachusetts Note: Emerson, American philosopher, poet, essayist. In 1855, when the American poet Whitman's poetry collection "Grass Leaf Collection" was first published, it was not noticed. After the New York Tribune published a letter from Emerson to Whitman, the sales of "Grass Leaf Collection" increased greatly and was widely discussed.

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