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Flaubert's gift inscription to Maupassant

Genius, nothing more than long-lasting patience! Try Harder! Comment: This is a message from Flaubert to Maupassant. The friendship between the two great writers in France is extremely deep, but on the road to fame of Maupassant, his teacher Flaubert’s hard work was condensed. This sentence is rich in philosophy and enlightened. Genius depends on your constant struggle; achievements are inseparable from the sweat you pay. This is especially true on the road to literary creation. Flaubert is deeply acquainted with the hard work of creation. Therefore, he used this to inspire Maupassant and warned Maupassant. "Work hard!" This is a teacher's earnest expectation for his disciples. Maupassant’s fame is related to his talent and the genetic nature of his family, but this is probably the true teaching of Mr. Flaubert.

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