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A revelation of famous sayings

A famous phrase is a warning used to motivate or remind people. If you ask me which one to pick as my motto, I will pick "the imaginary things can be done, complacency and nine things." Yes, this sentence is a bit good. After passing the fourth grade, my feelings are deeper. Why is this?

That is the fourth grade final exam. That exam was a good score for my comprehensive play, but fortunately I was on the second place. I am very excited, Mom and Dad are also very happy. But the mother who is a "professional teacher" still told me a lot of words such as "Let me not be proud" and "I want to be modest." But I have already been stunned by the victory. My mother’s words are left and the right ear. Ignore it completely. Going to school and going to school on the road, I always heard many students whispering: "Yeah, he is the second grade!" "Yes, I heard that the first place is only 0.5 points more than him!" I heard these words. After that, I began to be more arrogant. Eat snacks in class, open a small gap, not to talk to classmates, is to pass the paper everywhere. Even more ridiculous is that sometimes I use language, math books to block, read comic books below. The same table always reminds me that I am also ignoring it. Once, when I saw my old problem at the same table and made a mistake, I began to persuade me: "You, you are watching, I will tell the teacher." "Go, go, anyway, I am the second grader, who is afraid of who!" I said arrogantly, because I knew that he was timid and didn't dare to tell the teacher. Sure enough, he didn't do that.

Time flies, and half a semester in the blink of an eye is so rude, and the same table no longer cares about me. I have already passed the exam. Because I have scored high scores in the previous few small tests, which made me more arrogant, I didn’t take the exam to my heart. I thought it must be a high score. I tried to curl it down. I only took 81 in mathematics. Points, even the entire class of 30 are not ranked, I have always been "Chinese language strong" I only scored 90 points, ranked in more than 20. The teacher told me to go to the office to talk. As soon as I entered the office, the teacher said: "Zhang Wei, what happened to you, you were not like this before, is there anything wrong, tell the teacher, okay? After listening to the teacher, my heart is awkward: the teacher still trusts me. So, I said the half-semester learning situation. The teacher listened and said meaningfully: "The teacher sent you a famous saying, I hope you remember it, don't violate it. You should have heard this sentence, that is: 'Amorous things can be accomplished, complacency and nine things. 'Do you know what it means? "I nodded and said, "As long as you are open-minded, everything will succeed. If you are proud, nothing will succeed." The teacher nodded with satisfaction.

"Easy to do everything, complacency, nine things," has become my motto since then. I think: This sentence will accompany me for a lifetime, which will benefit me a lot.

The fifth grade of Huiminguo: Jingjing wjy

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