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2019 college students outstanding personal autobiography

I am a ***, a gender male, a Han nationality, born on May 27, 1985. His ancestral home is Shandong **, the university department is studying, and the workers are family members. He is currently a member of the Chinese Communist Youth League and is studying in the Biological Sciences Department of the College of Life Sciences of **** University. Family members: father ***, Han nationality, workers, work unit ** City Port Authority, the public; mother ***, Han nationality, workers, work unit ** City Agricultural Production Technology Information Co., Ltd., the public; grandfather ** *, Han people, retired workers, people; grandmothers, Han people, retired workers, people.

I was born in a family of ordinary workers on May 27, 1985. I grew up in the sunshine of the party and accompanied by the reform and opening up of the motherland. Since my parents are ordinary workers, I am very busy at work and have no time to take care of me. So I will go to school at Agong A. Therefore, from a very young age, I did not have the opportunity to spoil in my parents' arms. In contrast, the stern discipline of me has created good conditions for my future growth. From the time I went to school, I was influenced by the hardworking and simple living habits of Ah Gong, and the rigorous and cautiousness of Ah Gong, the modesty and meticulousness of Ah, deeply infected me and educated me. Let me be sensible from a child of the same age. Agong is an old PLA soldier who participated in the Liberation War. He had to leave the army early because he was seriously injured in a dozen or so battles. Until now, he still had more than a dozen scars and several pieces on his body. The shrapnel that came out, from childhood, educated me about my current happy life, and it is hard to learn how to serve the country in the future. With this ignorant understanding, I entered the National Primary School of Xinshi Road in Yantai City in September 1992 and began my study career. In the study of the school, the teacher taught us that the bright red scarf is the blood of the revolutionary ancestors, and it is the symbol of the young pioneers. Only the old predecessors who fought for the revolution like Mao and Premier Zhou have worn it. Only scientists like Qian Xuesen and Li Siguang who have devoted their life to the scientific cause of the motherland are wearing it; only the PLA soldiers and labor modelers like Lei Feng and Wang Jinxi who defend the motherland and build the motherland are not afraid of suffering and are not afraid of being tired. Wear it. I keep in mind the teacher's words. After I entered the National Elementary School, I worked hard in various subjects to strive for excellence; I was eager to fight for the first time in all kinds of labor, not afraid of suffering, and not afraid of being tired; I participated actively and actively in various activities. In the second year of the National Primary School, the first batch of gloriously joined the Chinese Young Pioneers. I caressed the red scarf on my chest and made up my mind to make more progress and work harder. In the national ministry, I have served as a class committee, a class leader, and a team leader for five consecutive years. I have been rated as a school-level three-year student for five consecutive years. When I was a child, I was very interested. I participated in the National Primary School Computer Competition in the two districts, and won the third prize and the second prize respectively. I participated in the city's model airplane competition and won two first place and group. First place.

1997 was an unusual year. In this year, our beloved proletarian revolutionary, Deng Xiaoping, died. I didn’t quite understand what was going on in the country at that time, but Ah Gong told me about us. The present happy life is brought by Xiao Ping Agong, so I know that Xiaoping is a great person and a person worthy of our respect. Of course, he will be very sad when he dies. On July 1, Hong Kong returned to the motherland and said on television that this was a great victory for our great motherland. In September, I successfully entered the seventh middle school of Yantai City and started my own life in the middle of the country. After entering the country, I faced a strange environment, strange teachers, strange students, everything must start again. Cheerful, I quickly became a part of the classmates. In the subsequent class cadre elections, I was elected as the class leader with the highest number of votes. At this time, I already know that it is not enough to be a young pioneer. I have to study harder and ask myself more rigorously, and strive to join the Chinese Communist Youth League as soon as possible and become a glorious Communist Youth League member. When I was in the mid-term exam of the first semester of the middle school, I did not have to adjust the learning method in time. I only took 23 students in the class. This is in line with the excellent performance of our childhood. Ah Gong did not blame me too much, Mom and Dad did not give me any pressure, but I stubbornly thought that I did not do my best, and I was in the position of the class, and I was blamed on the title of a good young pioneer. At this time, my class teacher Deng Mei gave me a lot of encouragement, helped me find blind spots in my study, and constantly established my prestige among my classmates. With the help of Teacher Deng Mei, I quickly recovered from the failure of the first exam. At the final exam, I took the second place in the class, the seventh grade in the grade, and in the next four years. My position has never appeared outside the top three in the class. At the beginning of the semester, due to the excellent performance in the class and the trust of the students, I became one of the first students to join the Chinese Communist Youth League. Through the education of the school teachers, I know that the Communist Youth League is the party's assistant and reserve army. It is the bridge and link between the party and the youth. It is the popular organization of the advanced youth led by the Communist Party of China. It is the youth of the society who learns Chinese characteristics in practice. And the communist school is an assistant and reserve army of the Communist Party of China. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communist Youth League has always stood at the forefront of the revolutionary struggle and has a glorious history. In the process of establishing a new China, establishing and consolidating the socialist system, and developing socialist economic, political, and cultural processes, the role of the new force and the commando team has been played, and a large number of new forces and work backbones have been cultivated and transported for the party. During the study, I strengthened my understanding of the party. I warned that I must be a good child of the party, and always urge me to guard against arrogance and arrogance. I must continue to work hard and move closer to the party organization in the future. In the middle school stage, I also served as a class for three consecutive years. For three consecutive years, I was rated as a school-level three-good student; one-year district-level outstanding student cadres and one-year district-level three good students.

In 2001, I passed the "high school entrance examination". The previous 150 results were specially recruited into the Yantai No. 3 Middle School, the key high school in Yantai City. The same strangeness is different. I have experienced four years of tempering. It wasn't the ignorant young pioneer. I was a fifteen-year-old who was full of youthfulness and enthusiasm. I was a man who had endless curiosity and curiosity about things; it was a tireless thing forever. I am the first to fight for me; it is a me who has all kinds of envy and hope for the future. I know that the Communist Party of China is China's ruling party. To become a party member must be a leader in all walks of life. Being a member of the Communist Party of China is a long-cherished wish of some people. Before entering high school, the school organized us to visit Beijing. This is my first time to go to the capital of the motherland. Like most people who went to the capital for the first time, my heart is full of excitement and full of reverence. In Beijing, we visited Tiananmen Square and paid a visit to the Revolutionary Martyrs Monument. When I saw Chairman Mao’s body in Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, I secretly made up my mind that I must redouble my efforts to be a communist fighter and learn science. Cultural knowledge prepares for the future completion of the reform and opening up of the motherland, and strives to build socialism with Chinese characteristics and achieve communism for life. That trip to Beijing gave me a good start in high school life. After I came back, I quickly plunged into the intense study life of high school. The increase in learning pressure, the increase in the number of outstanding students around, although I can not get the top three every exam, but my academic performance is still among the best. I also participated in the physical, chemical, and biological Olympic training teams organized by the school. At this time, I had a strong interest in basketball. So when I was in the class committee election, I wanted to become a sports committee member and I was elected. In three years, basketball made me make a lot of friends, and I also used my position. It will lead everyone to actively exercise and lay a solid foundation for future hard work. Also in high school, I read a lot of books, learned about the history of the party, learned that the Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, and is the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It is the core of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. Representing the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, representing the direction of China's advanced culture, and representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The party’s highest ideal and ultimate goal is to achieve communism. Through continuous reading, I gradually got a preliminary understanding of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, and gradually established a correct world view and outlook on life. At this time, I already had the desire to join the Chinese Communist Party. However, due to various reasons, the school teacher did not recommend that I join the party in high school and did not accept my application for membership.

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In June 2004, in June, I experienced the first major test of life - the entrance exam. When I saw my score of 654, I did not hesitate to fill out the China Ocean University with a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition. As a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China has a complete range of disciplines, complete teaching facilities and first-class teachers. Her school motto “Hai Na Bai Chuan, Rong Nai Da” has long been deeply rooted in my heart. Even so, in the column of obeying the distribution, I still filled in the "willingness" because I knew that if I could not enter a famous university like Ocean University, I should obey the needs of the country, to the party and The people need my place most and go to the country to build the discipline that needs the most talent. Fortunately, I entered China Ocean University in the subsequent admission and I was assigned to the life sciences of the School of Life with my first choice. After entering the university, I actively joined the Student Union of the Life Science Department and quickly integrated into the excellent group of the Student Union. The idea of ​​high school came out again: I want to join the Chinese Communist Party. The theoretical knowledge I learned in the political class was far from satisfying me. So I found a lot of books about the history of the party, learned the party constitution, and submitted my entry to the party organization on October 13, 2004. Party application. After that, he participated in the 91st party class study of Ocean University of China. Through study, my understanding of the party has gradually become clear. I understand that Deng Xiaoping Theory is the mark of contemporary China, a new stage for the development of Marxism in China, and the guiding ideology of our party. I understand that China is in the primary stage of socialism and still relatively backward in the international arena, but backwardness is by no means socialism, nor is it communism. We must vigorously develop productive forces. We understand that our political line is focused on socialist modernization, adhere to the development of productive forces, adhere to reform and open policies, strengthen the building of party style and clean government, and uphold the party's leadership and socialist road. Through study, I have a deeper understanding of the party's nature, guiding ideology, program, and line; our party is: the vanguard of the working class, a political party with iron discipline, and its purpose is to serve the people wholeheartedly. The future of such a political party must be bright. Only the Chinese Communist Party can save China and develop China in order to revitalize China. The party's cause is the greatest cause of all mankind. It requires the best talents to join and join the socialist construction. Therefore, I am more confident in the future of the party and more firmly convinced the conviction of joining the Chinese Communist Party and the determination to fight for life. As a college student, it is far from enough to have theoretical knowledge. College students in the new century must be versatile talents. The rich after-school life of the university gave me a great opportunity to show my self. In the student union, I worked hard to do my job, actively participated in the activities organized by other departments, started from an ordinary general manager, and became the minister, and finally Becoming the President of the Student Union of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology, this is a memorable one. Every activity has left a deep impression on me and has become the most embarrassing part of my life memory. The work of the Student Union gave me the opportunity to practice theoretical knowledge. The Student Union is an advanced student self-governing organization led by the Party Committee and guided by the Youth League Committee. The Student Union has its own advanced nature, which is consistent with the advanced nature of the Communist Party: the nature of the Party. It is inevitable to determine the advanced nature of the party. The advanced nature of the Communist Party is based on Marxism, the working class as the foundation, the outstanding members as the members, and the democratic centralism as the organizational principle. Among the objectives, lines, programs, guidelines, and policies, it is reflected in the exemplary role of party members and party cadres. The advanced nature of the Communist Party of China is manifested in a firm class, broad representation, and distinct era. The party's advanced nature has determined and demanded that Communist Party members must also maintain their advanced nature. The advanced nature of the Communist Party members refers to the behavioral characteristics of the party members and the party members as the premise of the noble ideological realm and the spiritual world, with the scientific knowledge and skills as the carrier and the full play of the vanguard and exemplary role. Only the majority of party members have advanced nature, and the advanced nature of the entire party will have a solid organizational foundation and strong organizational guarantee. The purpose of the Student Union is to serve the majority of students. This is also consistent with the purpose of the Communist Party of China serving the people: since the day of its establishment, the Communist Party of China has dedicated the service of the people as the party's purpose, and has realized and safeguarded the broad masses of the people. The greatest interest is the fundamental starting point for all work and principles, and it is clearly stated in the party constitution: "The Communist Party of China is a faithful representative of the interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China." Summarizing the development process of our party for 80 years, we can see that all the work of our party is to achieve good, develop and safeguard the interests of the people. Building the interests of the broadest masses of the people in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In politics, the people of the people truly fulfill their right to be the masters of the country, constantly improve the living standards of the people in the economy, and vigorously meet the scientific and cultural standards of the people in culture. And the quality of spiritual life. All the tasks or all tasks of the party are to unite and lead the people to fight for the realization of these interests. I learned a lot from the work of the Students' Union and made me mature. But I know that as a college student, learning is the most important task. I have now retired from the position of the President of the Student Union and are working hard to prepare for the postgraduate entrance exam. Rich professional knowledge can help me better serve socialist construction and serve the people better.

After a long period of thinking, I deeply realized that I have found my own beliefs. Joining the party has become my need. I must become a member of the Communist Party of China, for communism, for the motherland, for the people. Dedicating all of my life and dedicated my life to the noble cause of the proletariat. However, I am fully aware that according to the requirements of the party, my own gap is still very large. There are still many shortcomings and deficiencies, such as the problem of not being mature enough and the low level of political theory. I hope that the party organization will strictly demand so that I can make progress faster. I will strictly demand myself with the standards of party members, consciously accept the help and supervision of party members and the public, work hard to overcome their shortcomings, make up for the shortcomings, strive for an early ideological, and then join the party in organization.

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