Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Transport Contract Model

Registration form (land and water transport)

National Plan ________
Via station name and line name: __________________

The goods are allowed to move in on the day of the month.

Location ______________________ word ________________

________________________ designated for loading or shipping on the day of the month

Dressup list order number: ___________________________
│Car type │ car number │ mark │ whole car or │ carrier │ │ first turn │ │ second turn │ │
│││Loading │Additional │Boat Name │ │Importing Name││Outlet Name │ │
││││ │ voyage │ │ voyage │ │ voyage │ │
││││ │route │ │route ││route │ │
│发站港│ to the station │ │ first │ port name │ second │ port name │ third │ port name │
││ │ │Change ├──┤换┤├┤┤换┤──┤
│ or starting port │ or arrival port │ │ location │ station name │ location │ station name │ location │ │
│Delivery│Name│ │Bank of deposit ││Carrier record │
│├────┤ ├────┼──┼────────────────┤
│人│Address Phone│ │Account │││
│Receipt │Name │ │Bank of deposit │││
│├────┤ ├────┼──┤│
│人│Address Phone│ │Account │││
│ Delivery │ Name of the goods │ Packaging │ Number of pieces │ Determination of the weight of the goods │ │
│Marking││││Consignor│Carrier ││
│Combined number ││ Total weight │ │ ││
│Send items│ │ ││
│Cargo │ │ ││
│Personnel │ │ ││
├───┼─────────────── ││
│ │ │ ├────────────┤
│ Waybill mention │ year and month shipper │ ││
│ Waybill mention │ year and month shipper │ ││

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