Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Transport Contract Model

List of items (2)

List of items

Port of departure: waybill number: _____
│││ Content││Value│
│ shipment number │ packaging ├ ────────┬────┬────┤重量│ │
│││Cargo Name│Material│New and Old │││
│││││││ │
│││││││ │
│││││││ │
│││││││ │
│││││││ │
│ Total │││││ │
Shipper's stamp: Carrier's signature:
___year month day


1. If the shipper cannot fill in the goods on the one waybill according to a batch of consigned goods, they must fill in the other. This list is in four copies. After the contractor and the shipper have signed the seal, one copy will be returned to the shipper, and one at the port of departure will be handed over to the ship for two copies, one of which will be delivered to the port with the goods.

2. For goods insured for cargo transportation, only the “goods name” item is included in the “Content” column.

3. Specifications: 27 cm long and 19 cm wide.

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