Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Transport Contract Model

List of items (3)

List of items

Sending Station ____ Ticket No. ____
│││ Details │ │ │ │
│ shipment number │ packaging ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ number or size │ weight │ price │
│││Item Name│Material │Old and New │ │ │ │
││││││ │ │ │
││││││ │ │ │
││││││ │ │ │
││││││ │ │ │
Shipper stamped or signed ____ day


1. If the goods consigned by the individual do not clearly fill in the specific name of the goods on the consignment note, they shall be divided into the declared price and the non-declared price, which shall be selected by the shipper. In the event of cargo damage or cargo deviation, the price of the goods shall be compensated according to the actual loss of the goods, but the maximum price of the goods shall not exceed the declared price of the goods; if the price is not stated, the weight shall be 10 kilograms. The maximum compensation is RMB 30. If the actual loss is lower than this standard, the price will be compensated according to the actual loss of the goods.

2. This list is filled out by the shipper in three copies, and the records must be true and correct.

3. The "item name" column should be filled out in detail. If the clothes should be marked, the outerwear, shirt, men's, women's, children's wear, etc.; the "material" column should indicate cotton, wool, wool, velvet, chemical fiber, etc.; If the clothing is marked, the size should be stated. The “Price” column is only available for shipment at the stated price.

4. The following items may not be included in personal items:

Gold, silver, diamonds, jewelry, jewelry, antiques, cultural relics, watches, cameras.
Securities, currency, various tickets.
Dangerous goods. Specification: 270 × 185mm


The shipper shall deliver the goods to the carrier and shall submit a copy of the goods to the station in batches. The completion of the cargo waybill shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the “Cargo Waybill and Ticket Filling Measures”. The waybill is filled in by the shipper using a pen, a brush, a ballpoint pen or a stamping method in the left column and the receipt document. Both the waybill and the ticket must be filled in correctly and completely according to the regulations, and the writing is clear. The change of each column in the waybill shall be separately stamped by the shipper or carrier responsible for the change. When the shipper fills in the station and the station bar, it should be filled in according to the station name specified in the Railway Freight Price Odometer. The name of the arrival is filled in as the first word of the name of the railway station of the station, such as , , etc., and arrives at the Beijing Railway Bureau. The name of the province, the autonomous region where the shipper fills in the arrival, arrival, and arrival stations must match. The name of the shipper and the consignee should be filled in with the full name of the unit; the address should be filled in the street number of the city or county where it is located, the name of the township and village, and the telephone number. Dangerous goods shall be filled in according to the names listed in the “Dangerous Goods Name Index Form” attached to the “Dangerous Goods Transportation Rules”. According to a batch of consigned goods, you cannot fill in the list of items when you fill in the name of the consignment one by one. Dangerous goods should be marked with "explosives", "oxidants", "poisons", "corrosives", "perishable goods". "X tons of containers", the number of pieces should be filled in, the total number of pieces. To carry the goods by weight, the words “heap”, “can”, “scatter” and the weight and total weight of the piece should be filled out. For bulky goods or goods of the same size, the length, width and height of the shipment should be stated. For less-than-truckload goods with different specifications, the volume of the whole batch of goods should be indicated.

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