Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Township government 2019 work summary and 2019 work points

In XX, under the correct leadership of the county party committee and the county government, the township party committee and government held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and adhered to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx" as the guide to conscientiously study and implement the party's xx and xx sessions. The spirit of the Central and Fourth Plenary Sessions, study and implement the scientific concept of development, further emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, advance with the times, pioneer and innovate, and constantly create a new situation in all aspects of rural work. The work of XX has achieved good results under the joint efforts of all of you. Now summarize the current work and arrange and deploy the work of XX.
I. XX annual work summary, work development and completion of target tasks
1. Agriculture and rural economy First, planting. The township planted 30,000 mu of rice and 12,000 mu of corn; planted 10,000 mu of high-yield and high-quality soybeans, 500 mu of red peony, 200 mu of sesame seeds, 1200 mu of peanuts and 1,000 mu of vegetables. In the autumn, it plans to plant 60,000 mu of wheat, sow 4,000 mu of rapeseed, and plan to plant 5,000 mu of other economic crops.
The second is aquaculture. The aquaculture development of the township is benign, and the harvest of fishery production is in the hope.
The third is the processing industry. The income of the Liubian industry has grown steadily, giving full play to the role of the township economic growth booster. Only Changfa Enterprise has invested more than XX million yuan. The board duck industry has a good momentum of development and its scale needs to be strengthened.
The fourth is infrastructure construction. 1. Construction of cultural and medical facilities. At present, a medical center has been built in Baozhuang, and the comprehensive cultural station has been selected. 2. Road construction. At present, the township has renovated 30 roads. Among them, there are 3 village roads with a length of 6.5 kilometers and 22 production roads with a length of about 50 kilometers. At the same time, do a good job in the construction of the consolidation of the Kunnezhuang.
2. Finance, investment promotion, financial income of the township, stable investment and regular growth. At the end of August, the fiscal and taxation tasks were 2,732,600 yuan, and the annual financial revenue was expected to be 4.6 million yuan. As of the third quarter, 8 million yuan of investment has been completed. It is estimated that the investment will be XX million yuan.
3. Maintaining stable letters and visits The entire township is socially stable and there are no major accidents.
4. Construction of grassroots organizations First, various learning and education activities were carried out in depth.
The second is to actively carry out the party's "three-level joint creation", "double-practice and double-belt", unemployed party members to set up posts, "two-way driving", and full-service agent service for the people. At present, the whole town has represented more than 400 pieces of various documents for the people through the whole process of agency.
The third is to conscientiously do a good job in government affairs and village affairs.
Fourth, the “three capitals” clean-up work has basically ended.
5. Social undertakings plan to give birth. The population of the township and the planning and childbearing work have been carried out in a solid manner, the birth rate has been reduced, the quality of the population has been greatly improved, and the reward and support policies have been implemented.
Science, education, culture and health. The first is to prosper rural cultural undertakings and enrich the cultural life of the people. The township comprehensive cultural station has been selected; the village houses of Duantai and Mudu have been built. The third is to actively implement the new rural cooperative medical care, 87% of the people in the township participated in the new rural cooperative medical care. At the same time, strengthen health and epidemic prevention work.
"Five-five" law. Do a good job in the summary and acceptance of the "five-five" law.
People's livelihood project. There are 1269 households with a minimum of 2,180 households in the township; 493 persons in the five-guarantee households, 443,700 yuan in the first three quarters; 87 households, 92 people with a reward for fertility rewards, 119,240 yuan, and 119,240 yuan in rewards; There are 291 households with a rescue fund of 109,800 yuan; schools in the township have exempted students from tuition and miscellaneous fees, and provided textbooks free of charge to students; vigorously carried out new farmer training; the new rural cooperative medical care has only been paid 6605 times from our township health center. Medical insurance funds 2,094,589 yuan; urban and rural medical assistance so far, a total of five major targets for the relief of major diseases, 135 rescue workers, 134 households, rescue funds 30,1600 yuan; poor cataract patients recovery project has ended early; rural clean engineering target task 1 ,Under construction.
Safe Production. There were no major safety incidents in the township.
The passive situation of tampering work was initially reversed.
Radio and television "village to village" project. The township has installed more than 4,800 cable TVs.
Characteristic practice
1, do your best to prevent flooding
Since July, due to heavy rains and heavy rains in the upper and middle reaches of the Huaihe River, the water level of the Huaihe River has risen rapidly. In addition, the township is in the lower reaches of the Mongolian area. It rains in the territory and the upstream waters cause certain guilt to the farmland in our country. To this end, the township party committee and government have attached great importance to it and made every effort to prevent floods and floods. Grasping flood control and flood prevention in one hand, and arranging drainage and disaster reduction in one hand, and actively organizing manpower and material resources to carry out drainage and disaster reduction while arranging the work of checking the levees.
2. Improve and improve the working mechanism of grassroots organization construction. The first is to carry out learning and education activities. Give full play to the role of the township party school, increase education and training for rural party members and cadres, and conscientiously do a good job in party members' spring training. The second is to actively carry out pioneering activities in the prevention and control of flood control and flood prevention. The third is to adhere to and improve the democratic life meeting, the party committee center group study, the party building regular meeting, the party and government joint meeting and the township cadres learning system on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
3. Integrate party building work into rural economic construction. At the same time, the selection of sent cadres to work in non-public enterprises in the township.
4. Letters and visits work stably. First, conduct in-depth investigations on contradictions and conscientiously do a good job in the comprehensive management of public security; second, actively do a good job in letters and visits, strive to satisfy the public, and reassure the organization.
5. Improve the financial system. Increase the management of financial affairs, strictly implement the "one pen" approval and the monthly account, the monthly settlement system.
Summary of experience
1. Develop a local economy based on local resource advantages. **The township relies on the resources of the township, the willow and other resources to vigorously develop the aquaculture and willow processing industry.
2. Clear up the development ideas and formulate the path of economic and social development in line with the actual situation of the township.
Problems and deficiencies
1. The construction of water conservancy infrastructure in the township is relatively backward, and the ability of agricultural production to resist disasters is relatively poor.
2. The market size of the township Liubian, Banyan and aquatic products is not large.
3. The three roads in Huangxiang Road, Cao'ao Road and Yucao Road in the township are seriously damaged, which restricts the economic development of the township and surrounding towns.
Second, XX work plan, work plan target task
In XX, the overall working idea of ​​** township is: continue to adhere to economic construction as the center, adhere to the top priority of development, take the overall goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, combine **reality, clarify ideas, and optimize industrial restructuring. Stabilizing planting, developing aquaculture, expanding forestry, expanding the processing industry, calling the “two brands” of ** board ducks and ** fishes; creating “three major bases” for animal husbandry, willow, and natural aquatic products; implementing forestry , animal husbandry, fishery, "three major enrichment projects"; do a good job in farmland water conservancy, Baozhuang 圩 "two major constructions"; highlight the "focus" of population and family planning work, pay close attention to safe production, ensure a stable, promote the township Economic and social comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development.
The main objectives are: XX, the total industrial and agricultural output value of the township reached 2.6 yuan; the total grain output was 7,900 tons; the aquatic product output was 185 tons; the fiscal revenue was 4.8 million yuan, the investment was 26 million yuan; the per capita net income was 2,600 yuan; Control is within 8 inches.
Work measures economic development
1. Continue to implement the “Fish Fishery and Enriching People” project, vigorously develop ** water resources, and vigorously develop aquaculture.
2. Continue to rely on Changfa Industrial Co., Ltd. to cultivate and expand the ** wicker industry.
3. Expand the production scale of ** board ducks.
4. Further implement the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure and build a high-quality and high-yield crop production base with “wheat, rice, soybean and corn”.
1. Relying on the stage to protect the village, and carry out the construction of a new socialist countryside.
2. Increase the construction of the “Road Villages and Villages” project. It plans to build 5 roads with a total length of 7.5 kilometers.
3. Increase the basic construction of farmland water conservancy. It plans to build 48 bridges and culverts.
The fiscal and taxation collection will continue to increase fiscal revenue from the aspects of project construction, project construction, and social support payments. At the same time, increase financial management and reduce expenses. Continue to implement investment promotion.
The stability of letters and visits is to conscientiously do a good job in the comprehensive management of social security, actively carry out military, police, and civilian defense, and carry out the "strike hardening" struggle in depth; second, conduct in-depth investigations on contradictions, actively do a good job in letters and visits, and seriously solve hot and difficult issues of public concern. .
Population and family planning
In XX, we will further control the birth rate of the population, improve the quality of the population, and ensure that the population of the township and the family planning work are on the rise.
The first step is to do a good job in learning and education activities. 1. Do a good job in party members' winter training activities. 2. Carry out in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Party's xx session. 3. Continue to adhere to the democratic life meeting, the party committee center group study, the party building regular meeting, the party and government joint meeting, and the township cadre's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday learning systems.
The second is to strengthen organizational development. 1. Actively carry out the activities of the “five good” township party committees and the “five good” village party organizations to further consolidate the achievements of the “three-level joint creation” activities. 2. Continue to implement the pioneering project of “Double Training and Double Belts”, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the people to become rich. 3. Improve the system of deliberation and deliberation of unemployed party members, and further improve the quality of job-seeking work for unemployed party members. 4. In-depth implementation of the full-service agency activities for the people, and effectively solve the difficulties of the people. 5. Do a good job in developing party members and other work.
Other businesses
1. Science, education, culture and health. First, continue to consolidate the achievements of the "two basics"; second, to prosper rural cultural undertakings, enrich the cultural life of the people, strive for a comprehensive cultural station in the township, build more than two farmer's bookstores in the village; and third, carry out the construction of a new rural area in Baozhuang; The fourth is to further improve the new rural cooperative medical care work in XX, effectively solve the problem of people's medical treatment, and further handle the relationship between doctors and patients.
2. Civil administration. Do a good job in special care, help with subsistence allowances, help, and tampering.
3. Safe production. Strive to make no major accidents in XX years to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.
4. Construction of people's livelihood projects. We will do our best to build the people's livelihood project in XX, so that the national policies can be effectively implemented and the people can get more benefits.
At the same time, do a good job in broadcasting and television, etc.;
Third, work advice
1. The county party committee and county government shall coordinate the relevant departments to repair the three roads of Huangqi Road, Cao'ao Road and Yucao Road in the township.
2. The county party committee and county government should give strong support to the township in the construction of farmland water conservancy infrastructure.
3. The county, county and county governments are required to pay attention to grassroots cadres in the Mengyu area.

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