Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of village work in 2019

In the past year, the "two committees" of Hecha Village will be guided by the important leadership of the "Three Represents" under the guidance of the correct leadership of the West District Office and the strong support of the stagnation units, and will closely focus on the work of the higher level and actively develop and develop. Innovation, solid work, better completed the tasks set at the beginning of the year, and achieved remarkable results, the villagers' incomes further increased, the collective economy further expanded, the society was stable, and the village's various undertakings were comprehensively promoted. The work situation in the past year is summarized as follows:

First, the main work and results.

Vigorously attract investment and actively develop the village collective economy. The main purpose is to further broaden the investment attraction, improve the incentives for attracting investment, explore their own resource advantages, vigorously support and guide the production of villagers, adjust the industrial structure, and mobilize surplus labor to go out to engage in factory enterprises, construction industry, locomotive passenger transportation, and increase the number of households. Economic income, increase investment promotion efforts, and promote the collective economic development of the village. Through hard work, we have successfully introduced 4 industrial projects this year, with a total investment of more than 50 million yuan, of which 3 projects have been officially started and are expected to be completed and put into production by the end of the year. Under this trend of continuously expanding income channels, the total collective economic income of the village reached 1.65 million yuan this year. In addition, the investment contract of the Hong Kong Jiarui Group project with a total investment of 800 million and covering an area of ​​200,000 square meters has been signed. The completion of the project will bring the entire Hecha Village industry to a new level. Tea village brings certain economic benefits.
With the strong support of the stagnation units, we raised more than 300,000 yuan of drinking water project funds, installed tap water for the two village groups of Changshanzi, and solved the problem of drinking water for more than 200 villagers. At the same time, we asked the Water Supply Corporation to complete the drinking water project planning and project budget for the other 9 villagers' groups, so as to solve the problem of drinking water for the entire Hecha Village people as soon as possible.
Better completion of village-level elections. With the active assistance of the resident working group and the office steering group, the village-level general elections were successfully completed, and the village “two committees” team was rewarded and enriched through adjustment. First, the talented people who are good at the good, good style, dedication, and eager to serve the people are selected into the village leadership team to make the team's construction structure reasonable and balanced. The second is to fully mobilize the people, publicize the people, educate the people, and get the strong support and cooperation of the people. The majority of voters correctly exercise their democratic rights. The third is to fully promote democracy, respect public opinion, and reflect public opinion. The fourth is to conduct elections in strict accordance with the relevant regulations and in accordance with the law.
Grasp the family planning work. Mainly to do a good job in the regular management of family planning, including the quarterly gestational age women's investigation and pregnancy work and organization of centralized service activities as well as the unified liquidation population verification and daily management work. This year, 5 children were born in the village, 4 in the ring, and 10 in the “four skills” task. The birth rate was 2.98 ‰, the planned fertility rate reached 100%, and the natural growth rate decreased by 0.6 ‰. The annual calculation was completed. Painting fertility work tasks. Huizhou City was rated as the honorable title of advanced village and qualified village.
Do a good job in the comprehensive management of social security. First, establish and improve the public security joint prevention system of each group in the village, implement a seasonal security patrol team to patrol on duty, and stabilize the social order of the village; second, do a good job of civil mediation, so that the internal contradictions and disputes of the villagers are timely discovered, timely mediation, and timely Dealing with, intensifying conflicts, resolving general problems and contradictions in the village, and controlling petitions; third, strengthening the management of migrants. The migrants living in the village must register on a household-by-house basis and check monthly to make the situation clear. Understand that there is no hidden danger of public security; the fourth is to increase the crackdown on public security cases and investigate and deal with various types of public security cases. In the past year, a total of 6 cases of public security have been investigated and handled, and 12 internal contradictions and disputes have been transferred, which has better safeguarded the social stability of the village.
Grasp the management of pig farms in the jurisdiction. First, do a good job in the prevention and quarantine of pigs that have settled in pig farms; second, increase the propaganda of the harmfulness of these illegal pig farms, form a consensus, strictly control the no-introduction of such pig farms, and the whole village will be in the second half of the year. No pig farms have been introduced.
It is better to assist the district transportation and land and resources departments to complete the cleanup and compensation work for the 206 county roads and one oil pipeline and one gas pipeline construction land occupation, ensuring the smooth progress of the 206 county road and the “two passages” Hecha section construction project. .
Accelerate the transfer of surplus labor to employment. Under the guidance and assistance of the resident working group, we have established a redundant labor resource file on the basis of investigating and registering the surplus labor force in the village. At present, there are 286 people in the file, and actively coordinate the labor department in and outside the region. , job center, factory enterprises, etc. help transfer surplus labor employment. Through efforts, we have successfully arranged more than 10 people to go out to work and employment, and to increase the income of villagers through employment.
Multi-channel raised more than 60,000 yuan of village road maintenance funds, do a good job in village road maintenance work, better solve the problem of the villagers' roads, and ensure the normal production and living order of the villagers.
With the assistance of the resident working group, we won the support of the district transportation department and opened the bus route from the tea to the western market. It changed the current situation that the villagers can only rely on locomotives for a long time, which greatly facilitated the travel of the villagers. Traffic needs.
Do a good job in the implementation of the callback land and the "five-sided land." Through efforts, the land requisitioned by the villagers' groups has basically been implemented; the “five-side land” has also implemented two villager groups, but there are still nine villager groups “five-side land” that have not been implemented.
Establish a chapter. After the village-level general election, with the assistance of the resident village working group, the new village team further improved various village regulations, formulated the "Rucha Villagers Group Rules of Procedure", and published and published the "Rules of Procedure" through the list. 100 booklets will be made and distributed to the cadres of villagers, villagers and some party members to ensure that the Rules of Procedure are implemented, further standardize the village management of each village group, and effectively protect the villagers' right to know and participate. , the right to supervise and the legitimate interests of the villagers.
Solve problems for the difficult villagers. Actively mobilize the stagnation units and the majority of cadres and people to donate to the poor people in the village who are in school, seriously ill villagers and other difficult people, totaling more than 10,000 yuan.
We will do a good job in cultural and educational undertakings, and help schools to improve the construction of campus soft and hard environment. First, support schools to run schools, coordinate with many parties, and strive for the support of district management committees to help solve the problem of long-term arrears in school construction. Second, strengthen legal publicity and education for students. The legal department comrades are invited to take legal education courses for the teachers and students of the school; the third is to organize the school teachers and students to plant trees in the annual Arbor Day; the fourth is to mobilize all sectors of society to support and sponsor the school during the "Sixth Day" and "Teacher's Day" Teachers and students carry out celebrations; the fifth is to encourage students to learn and progress, to reward “three good” students and outstanding students, and through these measures, the cultural and educational undertakings of our village have been continuously advanced.

Second, there are main problems and suggestions:

There are still 6 villager groups in the village who have difficulty in drinking water. The funding gap for drinking water projects is large, and it is difficult to raise funds. It requires the attention and support of all levels and departments, but at the same time, we must have the spirit of ownership and concerted efforts of our villagers. Good drinking water project.
The excessive number of illegal pig farms settled in the village not only caused serious environmental pollution, but also brought great pressure on the animal epidemic prevention work in the village. It is urgent to take effective measures from the higher authorities to clean up as soon as possible. Our village cadres and villagers should also be aware of the seriousness that these problems will bring to our lives.
The surplus labor force in the village is low in quality, lacks employment skills and competitiveness, and the employment channels are not wide. It is difficult to transfer employment and affect the villagers' income.
The collective economic development of villages and groups is slow, and the preferential policies for rural enterprises to provide preferential support are still lacking, and the effectiveness is not obvious.

There is no more initiative, and the soft and hard environment needs further improvement.
The slow progress in the implementation of the “five-side land” of the villagers’ group not only restricts the village’s economic development, but also is not conducive to doing a good job in village planning and hindering the construction of small towns in rural areas .

Third, next year's work concept:

We will do a good job in building the "two committees" of the village, further enhance the combat effectiveness and cohesiveness of the village party branch, further enhance the party members' sense of purpose, and strengthen their ideals and beliefs. Strengthen the leadership of the village committee, unite, enterprising, and advance with the times, so that party members and cadres can play a pioneering role in building a new socialist countryside . They always maintain the advanced nature of party members in their work and life.
Raise funds through multiple channels, actively promote the construction of drinking water projects in the remaining 6 village groups, solve the problem of drinking water in the entire Hecha Village as soon as possible, and further improve the production and living conditions of the villagers.
Continue to actively do a good job in attracting investment in the village, and strive for more projects to settle in the village; at the same time, earnestly do a good job in the service of the project, to ensure that the project has been successfully completed and put into production. Focus on follow-up to implement the service work of Jiarui Group in our village, continue to actively coordinate the labor departments and factories and mines in and outside the region, speed up the transfer of surplus labor in our village, and increase the income of villagers through employment.
We will do a good job in the relocation and mobilization of pig farmers to ensure the smooth completion of the farm clearance.
Find ways to raise funds and strive to complete the construction of the village committee office building and the road leading to Changshanzi Village Road.
Continue to actively coordinate with the national land, planning and other departments, assist in the implementation of the "five-side land" of the nine villager groups, and guide the village development plan.
Improve the awareness of the legal system, continue to improve the various villagers' autonomy system, focus on improving the villagers' group rules of procedure, effectively protect the villagers' right to know, participate, and supervise, and further strengthen the relationship between the party and the masses; at the same time, accelerate the implementation of the group-level accounting system. Practically strengthen rural financial management.
We will do a good job in the regular work of planning and birth, stabilize and control population growth; do a good job in Wenwei, education, and build a civilized village; do a good job in the comprehensive management of social security, focus on strengthening the management of floating population and do a good job in people's mediation, and maintain social stability. Provide guarantee for the comprehensive development of the village economy and society.

December 30, XX

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