Inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes about the university

1. Living status: 2013 University graduates are unemployed every day to remind themselves----What kind of life do you want? After a month and a month, my clear day is always late. I thought that after four years, I finally I can wait for it to change but never wake up every day. In the world of adulthood, I don’t want to look at the daily news. I have nothing new.

2. 33. In the past, I was ninety-nine percent who taught children to do things. Now I sometimes talk to them about business... but about one-third talk about business, and two-thirds teach them the truth. Because the world is the university.

3. No matter what university you graduated from, your diploma is only used as a receipt certificate, because it can explain that your family paid for your study, but it does not mean whether you have read the book. .

4. The university has never lived and lived in a laissez-faire manner. Later, it can only hit the wall everywhere!

5. Think about college these days~ It doesn't matter how tough~ It doesn't matter if you grow up~ just have no choice~...

6. I thought that treating my friends would sacrifice my selfless self-sufficiency. Then I saw that many people are very dignified in friendship. I thought that treating love should give him everything that he can give, money and time. Then I saw that they could still retreat even if they were bruised and bruised; I thought that the first two years of college should seize the only youthful madness, and then I saw that they endured monotonous loneliness and finally became famous. The purpose of the naked reality is to give you a self-righteous slap in the face. If you wake up after a dream, you will plunge into the vortex of the future.

7. A young man said that he had studied for China and then went to Tsinghua University to drop the list. When I went to Japan, I was admitted to a school in one school. After returning to China, he was enrolled in Nankai University, which was just established, and was removed from Nankai. Just go to France, but the French school does not recognize him, do not give him a diploma. Until he was above 10,000 people, he was still a high school student. He was named as Zhou Enlai. Read this text. What did you think of...

8. You said that this kind of person is out of school, can she count as a college student?

9. Unless I am eighty years old now, I can answer your question. To be honest, I really didn't plan to fall in love during college. I don't know what Zeng said to me, but I have always turned into friendship. You are an odd number to me.

10. Once there is a technical need in society, this need will push science forward even more than ten universities.

11. But you made a mistake. Bai Chun walked into the university under your protection. She was very fresh about everything around her. She started a carefree life, quickly forgot your advice, and started a crazy love with her teacher. . Unfortunately, the result of this love is unfortunate. Bai Chun died of pregnancy bleeding before graduation. When you are not far away, come to her, her hand is already cold.

12. On the university campus, it is not difficult to identify new students and old students. Those who like several boys or girls are happily accompanying each other. New students are holding hands on the trails. They are old students. It’s a new student who has been rushing to the classroom for five minutes. The bell rang for a long time, and the eyes squirming slowly toward the classroom are old-fashioned; the eyes are warmly yearning for the next four years. The eyes are ignorant, the smile is the old man... Of course, some people prefer to distinguish this way. In the dining hall, a screaming scream is a new life. If you see a worm in the bowl, you will feel surprised and dare not swallow. It’s old.

13. Asked by the ancient university, you must go through three realms: "Last night, the west wind withered trees, alone on the high-rise, hope to make the end of the road." This first place also. "There is no regrets when the belt is widened, and it is awkward for Iraq." This second place also. "There are thousands of Baidu in the public, and when they look back, the man is in a dim light." This third place also.

14. After Kai-Fu Lee graduated from Columbia University with the first place in computer science, he successfully entered the computer science major at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Before his Ph.D., his department head Haberman told him that the purpose of his Ph.D. was to make a world-class doctoral thesis. At least in the field is the world's top. This sentence made Li Kaifu very shocked. However, the following sentence, to benefit him deeper, Haberman said, "To make a first-class doctoral thesis is not the ultimate goal of reading a doctor. Instead, you get a way of thinking in the process of reading a doctor, and this method will Let you achieve top success in any field!" and Kai-fu Lee's efforts confirmed this statement. Kai-fu Lee

15. I have been thinking about why the university has to spend so much time on the class for four years instead of graduating from seven to five years of school like a middle school. It is like this, in four years, polish your spirit, consume your dreams, break up the firm love, and then safely send a sleek and realistic you to society, marriage, reality. University, how terrible

16. This is the creed of Captain Kirk. Under the influence of this creed, Captain Kirk quietly changed the "Kobayashi Maru No. 9" test system when he was in college, and successfully passed the exam, becoming the only person to pass the test. But the cleverness of his young age made him taste the pain when he lost his friend Spoker. Even so, Captain Kirk’s enterprising spirit is still highly regarded by Star Wars fans. ——About the famous celebrities of the university

17. My mother said to her daughter, "You are not smart when you are young. You are admitted to a university after work. You can't find a job after graduation. Now the driver wants a man, the editor wants a man, and the accountant wants a man." Even the secretary has designated a man, and Mom is really breaking your heart for you." Daughter, "555555..." Mom smacked her face and said firmly, "So now my wife can still be a woman, hurry to work, to Otherwise two more years..."

18. 25. Because I love my loved ones, I have a responsibility to fight for my future; because I love teachers, I have a responsibility to fight for the university in my dreams; because I love myself, I have a responsibility to continue my dreams.

19. There are more and more universities and more and more students. In order to get a diploma, they have to find the title of the paper. The topic is infinite, because everything can be discussed. The bundle of blackened papers piled up in the archives is even worse than the cemetery. Even if it comes to Wan Lingjie, no one will take a look. Culture is dying out in a large number of manufacturing, the proliferation of speech, and the loss of control. Believe me, a banned book in your original country is far better than the hundreds of millions of words that squirted in our university.

20. Everyone has graduated from the social university, eager to learn, to move forward step by step, wrestling, and inevitably cry, tired, and I think that it is best not to come again tomorrow, but after so many things, the mentality is still optimistic, And I began to understand that what I got was the best, and I couldn’t get it.

21. 180. Everyone has to go to a university. This university is a university of life. 181. The wise man eats bitterness and suffers in the hardships, and the fools suffer hardships and suffer.

22. The emblem of the University of Turin, Italy: a starving eagle and a skinned horse. The eagle practiced a strong flying skill, but starved to death in flight because it forgot to learn the techniques of foraging; and the horse was greedy for feed, peeled after feeding. The school used this to warn the students: what can really save people is down-to-earth skills and labor, not fantasy. Thoughts must be able to land, and the mentality needs to be zero

23. What choice do I have? You go to the ocean line to see, 5,000 yuan to ask a university doctor to come back, told him to stand dead and he did not dare to sit and die. Everything is the same, the world crow is as black.

24. At the age of 18, I will go to college and ask what your ideals are. You said that you are traveling around the world. At the age of 22, after studying at the university, you said that you will find a job after you go to work. The 26-year-old job is stable. You said that after buying a house, you will say 30 years old. There is a car and a room, you said that you are married and then bring your wife to go together; 35 years old with a child, you say that the child is a little older; 40-year-old child is big, you said that the old man is raised, and finally you have no go with.

25. You said: You will meet a better girl than me in college for four years. I am silent: I think I will meet someone better than you in the future, but I will not see the best years than you gave me...

26. The children of the university are all raised in glass jars, and the future is not clear.

27. Some college students at Harvard asked me, who should I work for? I replied, to work for the person you admire most. Two weeks later, I received a call from the school's provost. He said, what did you say to the children? They all became self-employed.

28. No university is more encompassing than the reality created by the great self and human will and reason that have the power we have never used before.

29. Department of Literature, Chinese people's educators, thinkers, great democratic fighters, patriots, one of the main leaders of the Chinese People's Salvation Congress and the China Democratic League. )

30. In ancient and modern times, you will go through three realms: "West winds withered trees last night, alone on high-rise buildings, and looking for the end of the world", this first realm is also "the belt is gradually widening and no regrets." For the Iraqi people to get rid of people, this second realm is also; "there are thousands of people looking for him in the crowd, and suddenly look back, that person is in a dim light," this third realm also.

31. You can put a person into college, but you can't make him use his brain.

32. Boys are like the dishes in the university canteen, although it is difficult to eat... It’s gone late!

33. "You probably misunderstand that the university diploma is the key to the world, and it is not correct to open the door to the wind. The purpose of reading is to learn and broaden your mind. All the troubles in life will not be followed forever, but the knowledge is conserved. It can make a person more sensible and calm to analyze and deal with these problems."

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