Inspirational speech

The best rest, not sleeping

I know the Internet Red Man A is a passionate man, feeling that he has a lot of time every day: writing books, lectures, reading books, making money, participating in various programs, he divided his time into many small parts. What is this part of today and what is it? These parts have been divided so carefully that they are not wasted every day. Within a year, his career has grown by leaps and bounds, and the number of people he knows has increased. The number of winter powders is scary. Every time I saw his Weibo, the question that students asked the most was: "How can you do so many things at the same time? You don't need a break? Are you an iron man?"

His answer is simple: "Doing different things is rest!"

I don't know if you have such an experience: I have been studying English for three hours, so tired, so I took care of myself and slept for one afternoon. In exchange for a headache at night, nothing could be continued. This kind of thing happened to a lot of people, obviously sleeping for an afternoon, but still tired, still tired, and not efficient. The reason is simple - the way to rest is not to sleep madly at all, but to change your mind to do other things. Walking with multiple legs is the only way for successful people to succeed. The important thing is that they are no more tired than those who sleep every day.

The story of my good friend H is something I have always been unforgettable. When I first started drifting north, I stayed with him for a while. During that time, he taught himself and prepared for the end of the year. Because I am an English teacher, there are many students around me: hardworking, soy sauce, inefficient, genius... Although I don’t like to classify people, I have seen a lot of hard work but not painful. I have also seen many students who seem to have studied very painfully but have no good results in the end. Good friend H belongs to the latter.

One day, he did two hours of English questions, carried some words, translated a few sentences, and was tired. He stretched a lazy waist and then fell to the bed, just as stuck in the bed, unable to extricate himself, hit a few rolls, fell asleep.

I woke him up and said, "Are you still not taking the exam?"

He said: "I take a break and learn again."

He slept for an hour, and when he got up, it was inefficient and scary. The book has been turned over on that page. After more than an hour, he is still staring at the lines. I took a closer look and found that he had taken out his mobile phone and flipped through the webpage.

He took the test twice and failed. Once he asked me: "I am already old. I always feel that I don't have enough sleep, I am sleepy during the day, I still have insomnia at night, and my learning efficiency is not high."

With him as a roommate for so long, I understand very well that his more than ten hours of sleep a day is definitely enough. So, I told him: "Try not to relax with sleep. Learn to be tired, run and run."

Under my call, he and I worked out with a fitness card. During that time I was trying to lose weight, so I took him to the gym. His tired body, behind the running sweat, not only did not languish, but also suddenly became energetic. That day, he learned at eleven o'clock in the evening, not sleepy. When he finished the last question, he stretched out, and he was sleepy and fell asleep. That night, he did not lose sleep, I heard his snoring. The next day, he called me: "Shang Long, go to fitness?"

He continued to go to the gym with me.

Many times, we feel very tired and can't afford to do something; we feel very sleepy but can't sleep in bed. In fact, it is not because we are old, but because we have not used our time reasonably. Our time is so precious, why not plan for famous use? A lot of so-called rest time, you should not go to sleep, but adjust your life and change your brain. Sleeping is just one of many ways to relax. In addition, there are many ways we can.

One of my former students was a North University tyrant. During the preparation for the postgraduate examination, he planned every day in great detail: after two hours of learning English, he began to draw because he was tired of learning the English language. Part, while drawing is the part of the brain creation; when the painting is tired, it continues to carry politics; when you are tired, you stand up and run for two laps, and continue to learn after running sweat. Every day, his study is not so monotonous, life is not so boring, although the days of postgraduate study are not good, but at least it can be less painful.

The teacher of the Khan Academy once did an experiment. The results showed that the concentration time of an adult is 15 minutes. If forced, it can be longer. But we can use other ways to change our minds and continue to use our productivity. This way, it will not be so difficult to stick to it.

Many people didn't stick to it when they were running, because they only had their own steps in the brain. The step-by-step repetition was boring and heavy, and it would soon collapse. The people who persisted were staring at the scenery all the way. You see, the so-called rest is not a big sleep, but adding some materials in your own life, becoming different and becoming more colorful.

Back to my life: When I was a teacher, I felt very fresh. I met different students every day. The classes I taught were different every day, and the places I went to changed. But for a long time, I don't want to prepare a new lesson, and the content is the same; even if the students are different, the reaction is the same; the location is just a few. So, I began to feel that life was particularly boring and boring, and I felt very tired every day. I just wanted to go home to sleep after class. During that time, I felt that time was like a clockwork, helpless, boring and ruthless. Although busy every day, I am not happy.

By chance, I met a friend of the director department. He taught me to write a script and recommended some works for me to read and learn. Later, I was admitted to the Young Director's Training Program and established the "Dragon Shadow Tribe" studio. The articles I wrote began to be read by many people. Originally, I liked to have ten hours of classes a day, and then used the rest of the time to sleep; now, I have reduced a lot of class, and changed my mind to write essays, write scripts, read books, and travel. Someone will always ask me: "How can you have so much time, write a book and go to class and make a movie, and charge reading, so busy, still rest?" In fact, the rest is very simple, just change your mind. Class is a physical activity, and after the end, it should be moving. The brain is tired, look at the book to rest; the eyes are uncomfortable, listen to music; sit for a long time, run. Rest does not mean that you must sleep. In fact, you just have to change your mind to work.

A person who sleeps at home every day, never knows that people on the treadmill have another kind of happiness. People who are running have always felt that the world is moving, and that positive energy and security are similar, and they all give themselves. Some people who are like chicken blood every day are not born and different from others, just because they have been living with the heart of seeking knowledge and seeking new things.

As for sleep, it is enough to ensure enough every day. I always feel that it is a waste of sleep and sleep.

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