Secretarial knowledge > School management system

Laboratories management system

Laboratories management system
1. Students are not allowed to enter the labor room without the consent of the class.
2. To protect public property, keep it safe, purchase or report waste products to register, and if there is any loss or damage, the party concerned should be investigated for compensation.
3. All practices must be conducted under the guidance of a teacher, and teachers should be reported immediately if there are any irregularities.
4. Pay attention to indoor hygiene. Every day, students in the class should take turns to clean up, or the full-time teachers should classify the class.
5. After practice, wipe the appliance clean and put it back in place to maximize the service life of the appliance.
6. Indoor operations should be quiet, do not talk loudly, and do not move around or go out.
7. Indoor items are not allowed to be taken outside without the permission of the teacher. Items not related to the course cannot be brought indoors.
8. The labor studio is managed by a labor teacher and requires that the indoor items be placed in a neat order.

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