Secretarial knowledge > School management system

Audiovisual data usage rules

Audiovisual data usage rules
1. Audio-visual electronic teaching materials should be in accordance with the "Non-Book Information Description Rules" promulgated by the state or the higher-level audio-visual department

Uniform requirements, good cataloging and shelves. The warehousing data should include the warehousing time, unit price, quantity, amount,

Source, data type, specification model, publishing unit, storage number, etc. According to the school audio and video teaching

The actual material can be graded in the cataloging, and the compiled information should be put on the shelf as soon as possible, which is convenient for teachers to query and

Borrow. The information should be stored according to the education and teaching categories and the nature of the audio-visual data carrier.

When, it is easy to find, extract, return, check, etc.

2. Some materials that are outdated, damaged or the quality of audio and video will affect the effect of continued use should be cleared in time.

And cancel it.
3. When the cataloging is unified, standardized and orderly, it is more convenient to find. Borrowed for each teacher

Audiovisual electronic materials must be recorded in detail, including the date of lending, the type of data, the quantity, and so on. Teachers should be required

It will be returned in time after the data has been used. The returned materials should be checked one by one and the corresponding lending records should be cancelled. Correct

Those who are damaged or lost due to subjective reasons of the borrower shall require the borrower to compensate according to the regulations.

If it is unable to refill the physical object, it should be cancelled in the warehousing registration book. For easy access

In the case of collection materials and lending, the catalogue and loan information of the collections are promptly entered into the computer server.


4. Do a good job in the daily maintenance of audio-visual electronic textbooks. Maintain data for different media types

Use different methods. Recording and video recordings should pay attention to anti-magnetic, sun-proof and moisture-proof. For longer periods of time

Video and audio recordings should be rewinded or fast forwarded once a year. Pay attention to sunscreen and moisture-proof on the slide, for vcd,

Information such as cd-rom should be protected against dust and scratches and should be cleaned regularly.

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