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Nonstop rain

Nonstop rain
This week, the rain kept going. Today, it is raining again. The autumn rain is continuous, it is like a bright pearl, fluttering and waving, and a huge tulle is hung on the whole sky. I only heard the ear whispering, such as the silkworm chewing the mulberry leaves, and whispering, the autumn rain is going down for a while, the rain is getting smaller, but you don't think the rain will stop immediately. Then, the autumn rain slowly changed from light to heavy, from slow to urgent, just like the story in Grandma's mouth, one after another, it is not clear when it will end. The autumn rain is like a child who has been wronged by the parents, pumping and twitching, bit by bit; along the roof, along the leaves, along with the small slope, the earth has been covered with moisture.
The autumn sister’s tears scared the winter grandfather away, and did not arrive in the winter of November. She called the naughty wind brother and the rain brother to play, and poured a layer of water on the world. But we still want to go to the gym class, go out to play, eat nutritious meals, and run happily.
Rain, please stop!

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