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let's go hiking

Today, my mother had a whim and wanted to take us to climb the mountain. Under her strong insistence, we decided to climb Nanshan.
When I arrived at Nanshan, I couldn't wait to say, "We are climbing the mountain!" So, we didn't delay for a second and ran to the intersection leading to the mountain. At this time, when the mother saw the melon seeds, she bought a bag. She came to the stone ladder. A small "rabbit" slammed up and the rabbit was me. I ran around excitedly, but I was tired after a while. I walked slowly. After a while, I looked back. I found that my mother was desperately trying to catch my father and walked weakly. When I saw it, I laughed. At this time, it was drizzling and the mountains were foggy. The road ahead seemed to be a door. When people walked in, I saw Not their figure. Finally there is a pavilion to rest. I just had to sit down, my sister called: "There is water there!" I immediately jumped up as soon as I heard it. I have no choice but to stand on my side. We continue to move forward. At this time, I saw two brothers and sisters are gasping, but they are almost at the top of the mountain, so I and they struggled to climb forward and finally climbed the summit. Looking down from the top of the peak, a piece of green caught my eye. We watch the scenery while eating melon seeds. The bitterness and tiredness of climbing a mountain, the fun and the fun, the scene of the scene, seems to be broadcasting a slide, flashing into my eyes. The mountains are surrounded by thick fog, and I seem to have entered the center of the fog. When I went down the mountain, I said that my feet were very painful. In order to relax my feet and distract my attention, my mother and I also played a game of kicking down the stairs.

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