Classic Quotations > Love Quotations

Classic sentimental quotation love, either mature or degrading

Love is a lamp, friendship is a shadow, when the light is off, you will find that you are surrounded by shadows. A friend is someone who can give you strength in the end.

I love you not because of who you are, but who I am in front of you.

Love is either mature or degrading.

The weight of the weight can be lifted, and the weight can not be lifted. Unfortunately, most people's love is weight-bearing.

Each of us lives in our own past. People will spend a minute to get to know a person, spend an hour to like someone, and spend a day falling in love with someone. In the end, it will take a lifetime. Time to forget someone.

A person can fall in love with a lot of people in his life. After you get the happiness that truly belongs to you, you will understand that the pain together is actually a kind of wealth, which allows you to learn to better grasp and cherish the people you love.

When I was young, I would like to talk a lot about love, but as I grow older, I finally realize that I love someone, even if I spend a lifetime, it will not be enough. Slowly understand this person, consider this person, until you fall in love, you need to have a very broad chest.

When tomorrow became today, it became yesterday, and finally became a day that is no longer important in memory. We suddenly found ourselves unknowingly pushed forward by time. This is not a static train, when interlaced with adjacent trains. As if we were moving forward, the truth is that we are growing up and becoming another ourselves in this matter.

Don't comfort me when you leave me, know that every sewing will also suffer from puncture pain.

do not forget about the things you've had in the past. We can not get more to cherish. Their own, do not give up. Has been lost, reserved for memories.

I like and get used to keeping a distance from the things that change, so that I know what is the rule that will not be abandoned by time. For example, to love someone, full of variables, I took a step back and watched quietly until I saw sincere feelings.

The love of a man is born from the top, while the love of a woman is born from the bottom. If love is like a mountain, then the more men go up, the more women they can look down on, and the more women go up, the fewer men they can look up.

Good love is when you see the whole world through one person. Bad love is when you abandon the world for one person.

In front of yourself, you should always have a place to stay alone. Then go to love. I don't know what it is, I don't know who it is, I don't know how to love, I don't know how long I can love. Just wait for one love, perhaps no one ever. However, this kind of waiting is love itself.

Who has not suffered for that crush? We always think that the infatuation is very heavy and heavy, and it is the heaviest weight in the world. One day, when I looked back, we discovered that it has always been very light and light. We think that love is very deep and deep. In the coming days, you will know that it is very shallow and shallow. The deepest and heaviest love must grow with time.

In this world, only a truly happy man can bring real happiness to a woman.

If a woman is not sexy, she must be emotional; if she is not emotional, she must be rational; if she is not rational, she must have self-knowledge; if she does not have this, she is only unfortunate.

An unacceptable love needs not sadness, but time, a time that can be used to forget. A deeply hurt heart needs not sympathy but understanding.

I know someone in the world is waiting for me, but I don't know who I am waiting for. For this, I am very happy every day.

At least once in a lifetime, forgetting for someone, not asking for results, not asking for peers, not asking for possession, not even asking you to love me. Just ask for you in my most beautiful years.

I don't think that people's mental maturity is more and more tolerant and everything is acceptable. On the contrary, I think that should be a process of gradual elimination, knowing what is most important to you, and knowing what is not important. And then be a simple man.

When your heart is really hurting and your tears are about to flow down, look up and see the sky that once belonged to us. The day is still so vast, the clouds are still so chic, then you should not cry. Because my departure did not take your world.

Time did not wait for me, you forgot to take me away, my left hand unforgettable fireflies, the right hand is a long meditation for ten years.

Everyone is a king, squatting in his own world, you should not listen to me, but you should not let me listen to you.

There are only so many people around you, and you can only give so much. In this small circle, some people have to come in, and some people have to leave.

Hiding at a certain time, missing the palm prints of a certain time; hiding in a certain place, missing a person who stood on the way and stood on the way, let me care.

Holding my hand, walking with your eyes closed, you won't get lost.

Will the love behind the chair be like the windless forest of the flowers on the concrete floor?

Be ideal, don't be imaginary, don't be passionate. Everything is contented.

The moment from the smashing of the smashing, the pain of tearing off a layer of skin and thoroughly clearing the lungs, many butterflies are dying of pain at the moment they break out.

We are always looking for, looking for, the end we all have, you give me a tear, I will see the ocean in your heart.

When you laugh once, I can be happy for a few days; I can see you crying once, I am sad for several years.

Lonely people will always remember everybody who has appeared in his life, so I always think of you still remembering my loneliness over and over again in every night of starry night.

A person always has to take a strange road, look at strange scenery, listen to strange songs, and then in a casual moment, you will find that things that you have tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

Happiness is not a lifelong, not a big fish, not a right to blame. Happiness is each tiny wish come true. When you want to eat, you have to eat. When you want to be loved, someone will love you.

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