Classic Quotations > Love Quotations

Super classic love quotes of 2019: love is like life, life is like water.

1. There is a person in the world who is waiting for you forever. No matter when, no matter where you are, anyway, you know that there is always such a person, the composition of composition: the most classic sad love sentence.

2, give up the waiver is helpless, give up should not give up is incompetent; do not give up the ignorance of the ignorance, do not give up should not give up is the attachment.

3, happiness must be accompanied by sorrow, there should be fine weather after the rain. If it rains after the rain, if it is sad after grief. Please let us calmly face the parting after this parting. Smile to find an impossible person!

4. Some things are beyond our control and we have to control ourselves.

5. Among the thousands of people, meet the people you met; in the thousands of years, the endless wilderness of time, there is no early step, no late step, just happened to catch up.

6. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after starting; no matter when it is over, it is important not to regret it after the end.

7, in addition to tears, it is time, to change feelings with time, the longer the time, the lighter the conflict, as if the tea is constantly diluted.

8, life is only a few decades, don't leave any regrets for yourself, want to laugh and laugh, cry when you want to cry, love when you love, no need to suppress yourself

9, remember what to remember, forget to forget. Change what can be changed, accept what can not be changed.

10. Regret is a mentally consuming emotion. Regret is a greater loss than loss, a bigger mistake than mistake. So don't regret it.

11. Every girl has been an angel without tears. When she meets a boy she likes, she will cry - so she becomes a mortal. So the boy must not disappoint the girl, because the girl gave up the whole paradise for you!

12. When you were born, you cried, the people around you smiled; when you passed away, you smiled, and the people around you were crying! Everything is reincarnation! We are all in reincarnation!

13. When I love someone, when I dial the phone, I suddenly don’t know what to say. I just want to hear the familiar voice. The original thing I really want to unplug is a string of my heart.

14. When you have to make a promise for a piece of love, the cut is actually over; when you have to make a promise for a marriage, everything is just beginning.

15. Everyone's attitude towards love will be different. Each person has their own love principle and has the bottom line they accept. You should first ask your own principles and the bottom line. What can you do to make your heart really? happy.

16. A person can fall in love with many people in his life. After you get the happiness that truly belongs to you, you will understand that the former pain is actually a kind of wealth, which allows you to learn to better grasp and cherish the person you love.

17. Love is not a vanity. It must be shown to show off in front of everyone. Love is not a beautiful dress. It should be worn outside for everyone to appreciate. Love is not a task. It is necessary to have a confession to friends and relatives.

18. The most easily forgotten thing in the world is love. This article comes from

19. People who love each other may not necessarily get married, and those who marry are not necessarily their own people.

20, it takes only one minute to meet a person; to spend the next time with a person; to spend a day in love with a person; but to forget a person but to spend a lifetime.

21, there is a feeling that always insomnia, it is recognized as "Acacia"; there is a kind of fate always after the wake of the dream, it is believed to be "eternal"; has a gaze always break up, only to see is " "Love"; there is a mood always after leaving, only to understand that it is "lost."

22, not because of loneliness, I miss you, but because I miss you. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because it is too deep.

23, love is a cruel, only in the balance of the heart to scale out whether there is a weight of love in the other party's heart.

24, love is like life, life is like water.

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