Classic Quotations > Love Quotations

2012 love classic statement, classic sad love statement

◆ I always like you, I just don’t like humans sometimes.

◆The code of love can not tolerate too much desire

◆ The mountain is not high, you can do it; the water is not deep, and you are spiritual. It seems to be love, but I am not awake.

◆The wine of love, I only have one cup. Since I gave it to you, how can I bear to use the empty glass to put on the boiled water to lie to others?

◆When the sweet fragrance of memory circulates in the autumn, winter, spring and summer, the clouds in the sky take away the last piece of Acacia, caressing a drop of red dust and tears, and turns away.

◆ You will weave Acacia silk into a net, and you want to smash the tears that are crumbling, but you can't resist your piano sounds. The tears splashed on the ground and fell into tears.

◆ Dreams are not dreams, drunken dreams of death, you are still surrounded by shackles, ten fingers such as blue light buckle strings, the sound of the piano shakes away the thoughts scattered between the stars, that is the beautiful sadness left behind after the curtain call.

◆ Thinking alone, who knows my feelings, and sent me a lover who married me, who read me forever, only because one person’s hopes are broken.

◆ Looking into the night sky, the most beautiful constellation once was the beautiful footprints on the beach of the Milky Way. Now it has already been rained, and it has spread into insomnia.

◆The finger will not move, the tears will not flow, and time will not go.

◆ People who hurt you are not stronger than you or weaker than you. If he is weaker than you, forgive him; if he is stronger than you, forgive himself.

◆ Buddha said: The person you hate will not see you again in the future, so don't waste time on him; the person you love will not see you again in the future, so you should be good to him in this life.

◆Excessive feelings are also full of cracks.

◆ Some people who have been hurt will be more brave, because they know that the most painful.

◆If there is a fate, the time and space are not distances; if they are not, they will not be able to meet together all day long.

◆ The past is dark and the color is as clear as it is light. After years of sorrow and joy, the net is like a mirror, it has been quiet

◆ To be a proud person to see his own face, only to use his pride to mirror him; if he bowed to him, but added his arrogance, in vain.

◆ I admit that there is no more pain than the punishment of love under the sun.

◆ My world is silent and can't accommodate others.

◆On the big clock of time, there are only two words, now

◆ But happiness is too simple, so it is easy to break.

◆ Sometimes, a little bit of affirmation is meaningful to me.

◆ A woman's loneliness is such a vulnerable. If a man reaches out to me. If his fingers are hot. It doesn't matter who she is to me.

◆People are quiet and then safe, and they can be determined later, and they can be followed by Hui, Hui and can realize the enlightenment.

◆ I don't want much, just look at your appearance every day.

◆ Why do you have thick ink and heavy color makes you helpless? If our love is destined to be sad, why can this love slowly become hurt.

◆ If there is no man's heart, there are so many monks in the world.

◆ I heard too much, but I don't believe it. I only believe what you said.

◆ Tolerate everything about you. Just because I like you

◆ Close your eyes, the whole world is illusory, and I think of our past.

◆When Russia does not cry, it proves that Russia is really tired.

◆ We were so reconciled at the beginning, and in the end we were not strangers.

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