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My grandma

Grandma lived in Bajiao Bay and grew up when Dad was a child. When I was a child, I went back to see my grandparents, the uncle, the empress and the third brother.

When I was young, I thought it was very fun, there was a raspberry, and there was a bamboo forest that belongs to us. I don't think how much the grandmother's house is, but when they talk about it, they always say that Grandma's house is awkward. At that time, the grandfather cut his own tall cherry tree house, and the door was deliberately skewed, saying that it was the grandfather. Relatives said that Grandpa would look at Feng Shui, and all the children who went out of the slanting door would go smoothly. And the uncle did not go out, the house collapsed half, and the uncle still lived in the house.

Grandma has been with us for seven or eight years, and it’s good and bad. When I was still in the old house, my grandmother walked on the bench and moved a little. Her back has always been a camel, never seen her straight. The hair is all white, and the head is often covered with white cloth. The wrinkles on the face, the eyeballs are deep, but the mouth is still very rosy, and it is a big beauty when I see young.

Grandma believes in Buddha, Grandpa also believes. I have read the book and know that there is no God, but I don't believe it. Once we went fishing, there was a colorful clay statue beside the country road. When I was small, I was about to kick it. I really kicked it out, but I didn’t kick it. Mom took me and told me to walk.

Later, I didn’t know how Grandma knew it. So on the Dragon Boat Festival, she and her grandfather respected the king of medicine, and I wanted to swear by the scorpion. I was mourning: “She is not sensible, she is still small, and if you are wide, I will forgive her and protect her. Peace and nothing..." I don't believe this, and the steamed bread is not sincere.

Grandma is illiterate, remember that she only has the words size, and it will add and subtract. But the grandmother remembers good, which is which brother and sister, what year is the month, what is the hour. Who is the patient healed by his grandfather, the name of the production team and his sake, and so on. These things are often mentioned with us when she is sitting on a low stool and folding vegetables. And every time she goes to the birthday of her ancestors, she has to put rice and burn incense.

Eight years ago, she and her grandfather just came home and lived on the dark and damp ground floor. My sister and I like to play, Grandma will always give us "big white rabbit toffee" to eat, will ask us to eat no powder, soy milk, biscuits, etc., these years are good things. Grandma doesn't know what it is, but I always think that she is like a rabbit. She won't eat it once, such as soy milk powder, only half a packet at a time, biscuits eat half a time. When they bought melatonin, when they went down to clean up the house last year, they found that there were still half a bottle left, and she and her grandfather had already moved to another room to live.

One year, Hua Ge came down to play, it was winter. We have to go fishing with my grandfather, and only my grandmother is left at home. Before leaving, my grandmother called Grandpa to change clothes. I heard Grandma say, "Go out with your child and wear it. What is your dress like?"

Grandma's neighbor relationship is very good. In the few years since I came, a few mother-in-law came to the grandmother to go out to play. Later, one by one, my grandmother moved less. Grandma is good to everyone. To eat a large bowl of beans at home, give it to the next door. What kind of sugar and fruit should be given to the neighborhood.

At the end of last summer's summer vacation, Grandpa suddenly developed a hernia disease, and her stomach was so swollen that she could not breathe. Grandma silently doing what she usually does: feeding cats, feeding dogs, washing dishes, boiling water... calmly terrible. Grandpa is a doctor, saying that if he is not good at half past six, he will go to the hospital. Grandma took time to see Grandpa, I walked into the house, only two of them. I heard my grandmother say, "I used to be able to give me an injection and take care of me. I am not good now, I only have no way to look at it..." I was moved. After most of my life, I have never seen any romance in them, and this simple sentence is enough to make it difficult to separate.

Grandma has done things in the past. I told my grandmother to rest, she sat down, and suddenly it seemed like talking to herself: "If your grandfather doesn't die..." I quickly advised: "How come? Just a little while." But I am not sure. Grandpa is usually very healthy, but this time suddenly.

Fortunately, my grandfather was much better at seven o'clock, my stomach was not bloated, and I didn't go to the hospital. We used to look at Grandpa. Grandma only put the broom on the toilet side and said, "Look at what I put, it will be good for a while." Grandma said with a smile.

Grandma has no culture in her life and believes in God throughout her life. She didn't want to have any great achievements, she only asked God to bless and be safe.

Grandma's god, please let your grandmother get happiness forever!

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