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My closest friend

My closest friend

Construction of National Small Six Class Jiang Li in Lucheng District, Wenzhou City

"Hey..." There is a chicken in my house. It is called Xiaoxin and is my good friend.

Xiaoxin is small and short, with mung bean-sized eyes, a pointed mouth, a pair of semi-circular small wings, always close to the body, awkward and light, walking like a rolling, and It is like bouncing. Looking at it like a yellow tennis ball, it is very cute.

Don't look at Xiaoxin honestly and quietly, in fact, it is very naughty.

Once, I learned Chinese painting in the afternoon and came back home to play with Xiaoxin. But when I got to the "grass nest", I saw the door closed and thought it was still resting. But after a long time, there is still no movement, no, ah, every time I hear my footsteps, Xiaoxin will rush out to meet me, how can it be today.....? I finally couldn't stand the temper, and opened the chicken door and saw it, it was not there! Did Xiaoxin fly away? Impossible, the window is so high, even if you want to fly, you can't fly. Where is it going to be? Find! I didn't care so much, and quickly ran to his favorite place - the kitchen. I look east, look at the West, still can't find it. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. The living room is so big, will it be in the living room? I quickly ran in, squatted down to look for it, even looked at the bottom of the sofa, and did not see the trace of Xiaoxin. I am a little anxious, is Xiaoxin really missing? "Nan Nan, you are coming to see, what is this?" Mom cried aloud, I came looking for it, I saw a yellow, furry thing leaning against the toilet, oh - Xiaoxin! It really made me look so hard.

Although Xiaoxin is naughty, his attitude towards doing things is impressive.

Say it again! I just soaked the water that day, prepared some round white rice, put it in the feed pot and wanted to give it a new meal, but suddenly I thought it would be better to play a game with it. How interesting it is! I first put the feed pot on the ground, picked up Xiaoxin, and gave Xiaoxin a glance. As soon as he saw the food, he immediately cheered up and licked his feet and tried to rush to eat. I put it next to it. Put a few thick books in front of the feed pot, which formed a steep and high wall. I couldn’t take it if I couldn’t fly, just stand by and enjoy it. I saw Xiaoxin step back and waved it. The powerful little wings rushed forward with a long neck and arrow, oh! Failed. Not only did not pass, but also fell a big head, but Xiaoxin did not give up, and came again for the second time, the third time, did not fly past. I am a little depressed and I am gone. After a while, I finished the matter and went back to see it. What? Haven't you? I was planning to help him, but at this moment, Xiaoxin suddenly stared at me, arrogantly, and called a few times, and the fearless momentum seemed to say: "Don't underestimate me!" I flew up and ate the rice with relish. While eating, while still raising his neck, it looks like a general of triumph, and constantly circle in the books, showing the prestige.

Wow! Cute Xiaoxin, my good friend, my dearest friend, I am really proud and proud.

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