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Unforgettable teacher's eyes

Unforgettable teacher's eyes?????????
What is a good teacher in the minds of students? He is cheerful and does not like to lose his temper; he is knowledgeable and good at listening; his assignments are easy and effective. In my study life, there is such a good teacher - Niu teacher. ?
She is kind and beautiful, and a pair of big eyes full of wisdom always gives a warm feeling. The cow's full-faced curly hair always makes her look refreshed. There was always a smile on her face, as if there was nothing to make her unhappy. ?
Once, I was awkward with a classmate. It was the fault of the classmate, but he "but the wicked first complained." I cried and ran back home. When the mother left and right to persuade me to bring me to school, the class bell had already started, and the teacher told me that she was waiting for me to come to class. Seeing me coming, Niu teacher did not seem to have anything like this: "Zhou Ruizhe is coming, fast, sit in the seat, we are going to class." My heart thumped and thumped, thinking: "The teacher is giving me a face, I should teach me the lesson." Sure enough, after school, the teacher gave me a trip to the office. I thought, "This is dead." So I came to the office with a restless mood. Teacher Niu saw me and didn't see a look of anger on her face. She said to me with a smile: "Zhou Ruizhe, I heard about the contradiction between you and your classmates. The teacher knows that you have been wronged, but the boy, There must be a burden, how can I run home when I have something? The teacher hopes that you will become stronger in the future, okay?" I nodded. Teacher Niu said: "I heard that you don't like to eat too much. It's not good. It's good to eat well. I don't want my students to be as thin as a bean sprout." The next day, the classmate I apologize, very soon, we have become good friends again. I thought: "It must be that the cow teacher talked to him. Otherwise, can he admit that he is so fast?" From the teacher's eyes, I understand that the students should unite with each other.
Niu teacher loves us like a mother, and even warmer than her mother's love. That time, the cow teacher took me to the county speech contest. Because I was young and didn't play such a big occasion, I was a little nervous. I went to the toilet and the cow teacher noticed that she held me in my arms. Gently tell me: "Don't be afraid, nothing." In her warm embrace, my heart slowly relaxed. In the end, I won the championship in the first place with good results. The teacher once again hugged me. She smiled so happy, as if she had won the prize. From the eyes of the teacher, I found confidence and courage. ?
Look, this is the cow teacher, a good teacher who can talk in the eyes!
Linquan County West Country Small Sixth Grade: Zhou Ruizhe Tutor: Liu Rui

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