Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Transport Contract Model

Shipping contract (normal 1)

Cargo transportation contract
Enter into the contract:
Shipper: ______;
Shipper's full address: ______
Receiver's full address: ______

According to the relevant national transportation regulations, this contract is concluded after full consultation between the two parties so that both parties can abide by it.

The first article name, specification, quantity, price

│ Cargo No. │ Product Name │ Specifications │ Unit │ Unit Price │ Quantity │ Amount │
│││ │ │ │ ││
│││ │ │ │ ││
│││ │ │ │ ││

The second package requires the shipper to pack in accordance with the standards stipulated by the competent national authority; if there is no uniform standard for packaging, it shall be packaged according to the principle of ensuring the safety of cargo transportation, otherwise the carrier has the right to refuse to carry the goods.

Article 3 Location of Cargo ______
Arrival location ______

Article 4 Cargo Shipping Date ______
Delivery of goods to the deadline ______

Article 5 Transportation Quality and Safety Requirements _____________________

Article 6 Liability and methods of cargo handling ____

Article 7 The consignee receives the goods and the acceptance method __________________

Article 8 Transportation costs and settlement methods ________________________

Article 9 Rights and Obligations of the Parties

1. The rights and obligations of the shipper

1. Shipper's rights: The carrier is required to transport the goods to the destination according to the time and place specified in the contract. After the goods are consigned, the shipper needs to change the place of arrival or the consignee, or cancel the consignment, and has the right to propose to the carrier the content of the change contract or the cancellation of the contract. However, the carrier must be notified before the goods are shipped to the destination and the carrier’s fees should be paid in accordance with the relevant regulations.

2. Shipper's obligation: to deliver the miscellaneous charges to the carrier according to the contract. Otherwise, the carrier has the right to stop the transportation and ask the other party to pay liquidated damages. The consignor shall pack the consigned goods in accordance with the prescribed standards, comply with the provisions on the transportation of dangerous goods, and deliver the consignments according to the time and quantity specified in the contract.

Second, the carrier's rights and obligations

1. Carrier's rights: Charges to the shipper and the receiving party. If the receiving party fails to pay or fails to pay the required various miscellaneous charges on time, the carrier has the right to withhold the goods. If the consignee or the consignee fails to find the goods, the carrier shall contact the shipper in a timely manner, be responsible for custody within the prescribed time limit and have the right to collect the custody fees. The carrier shall have the right to the goods that cannot be delivered within the prescribed time limit. Handle in accordance with relevant regulations.

2. Obligation of the carrier: Within the time limit specified in the contract, the goods are transported to the designated place, and the notice of the arrival of the goods is sent to the consignee on time. It is responsible for the safety of the consigned goods, ensuring that there is no shortage, no damage, no deterioration of the goods. If there are any problems mentioned above, they shall be liable for compensation. After the goods arrive, they will be kept in custody according to the prescribed time limit.

Third, the consignee's rights and obligations

1. Consignee’s rights: The right to receive the goods by voucher after the goods have been shipped to the designated place. When necessary, the consignee has the right to submit a change agreement to the station or the station where the goods are located, to change the station or change the consignee's request.

2. Obligation of the consignee: After receiving the delivery notice, the goods will be picked up on time and the fees payable will be paid. The custody fee shall be paid to the carrier when the delivery is exceeded.

Article 10 Liability for breach of contract

I. Shipper’s responsibility

1. If the consignment is not delivered at the time and requirement stipulated in the contract, the shipper shall pay the carrier’s liquidated damages at ____% of its value.

2. The shipper shall be liable for compensation for accidents such as entrapment, misreporting of dangerous goods in ordinary goods, misreporting of heavy goods, etc., resulting in breakage of the spreader, damage to the goods, overturning of the crane, explosion, corrosion, etc.

3. The shipper shall be liable for compensation for damage caused by defects in the packaging of the goods, causing other goods or means of transport or machinery to be contaminated, corroded and damaged, resulting in personal injury or death.

4. If the goods are damaged or missing in the special line of the shipper or in the port, station line or special railway, the shipper shall compensate for the damage or lack of the goods. The loss of the shipper.

5. If the tanker delivers the goods, the shipper shall pay the deposit fee and liquidated damages such as the unloading of the carrier when the consignee fails to unload the goods because the quality certificate or laboratory report is not attached to the vehicle.

Second, the carrier’s responsibility

1. If the vehicle is not shipped in accordance with the time and requirements stipulated in the contract, the carrier shall reimburse the shipper for a penalty of ____ yuan.

2. If the carrier fails to transport the goods to the place of delivery or the consignee, it shall be transported to the place of arrival or the consignee specified in the contract without charge. If the goods are overdue, the carrier shall reimburse the liquidated damages for overdue delivery.

3. During the transportation process, the goods shall be lost, reduced, deteriorated, polluted or damaged. The carrier shall compensate the shipper according to the actual loss of the goods.

4. If the goods of the intermodal transport are lost, short, deteriorating, polluted or damaged, the carrier shall be liable for compensation, and the other carriers responsible for the carriage in the terminal stage shall recover the compensation.

5. In the case of transportation under the conditions stipulated by law and contract, the carrier shall not be liable for breach of contract due to loss, shortage, deterioration, pollution or damage of the goods due to the following reasons:

1 force majeure;
2 the natural attributes of the goods themselves;
3 reasonable loss of goods;
4 The fault of the shipper or the receiver itself.

The original of this contract is in duplicate, and each party to the contract holds one copy; the copy of the contract is __ share, and the unit is reserved for each unit.

Shipper: ___ Carrier: ___
Representative: ___Representative: ___
Address: ____ address: ____
Phone: ____ Phone: ____
Bank of deposit: __ bank: __
Account number: ____ account number: ____
__Year __月__日订

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