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Praise the spring sentence 2019

1. People who love life, treating spring is as sincere and persistent as cherishing their own lives. A trace of green, a touch of insignificant green, will make his nephew shine, full of youthful brilliance; heart lake shines, ripples of happiness. In spring, for those who love it, the magical power and vitality of stocks are constantly being circulated.

2. Spring in Tianchou, the soft soil exudes a fresh and moist atmosphere, and the young Miao children wake up after the winter glory, showing a flourishing life; the water sings like mother's milk and sweat, and the land and The blood of the wheat seedlings blends. Spring is on the riverside, blue waves are clear, fish and shrimp swim, frog drums suppress the throat, and Liu Sipo dances, the sun and the waves meet, and the gold and silver are sprinkled. Spring is in the sky, Yan language is whispering, butterflies are flying, kites are flying high, and the thick spring is filled with white clouds. The sweet and crisp laughter shuttles for nine days. Spring in the orchard, red apricots, peach blossoms, pear trees, snow, bees and butterflies chasing cockroaches, brewing sweet and fragrant life...

3. Spring is a gentle sing of the wind, a warm and bright sunshine; spring is a sound of the birds, a piece of intoxicating floral fragrance; spring is a dew on the tip of the green grass, red flowers A touch of color; spring is the force of the arching of the seeds, the rhythm of the knotting of the trees; spring is a transparent and pure dream, a hot and boiling song, a poem filled with inspiration; spring is the innocence of the child’s face The girl’s cheeks are beautiful and shy; spring is a glimpse of hope, dreams and ideals that we plant with sweat, hard work and wisdom.

4. Love spring, sow spring, pick spring! Use our words and deeds to care for spring, care for spring, use our energetic energy to weave spring, irrigate spring, care for spring wind, ostrich, willow green, red, weave irrigation spring The idyllic scenery and enchanting style, let the spring stay with us, and stay in the heart of our hearts...

5. When winter comes to spring, the willows spit green, the warm spring breeze blows green and the endless wheat fields, wrinkles the quiet and flowing river. The sweet spring rain is as light as a spider's silk, wants to be as thin as a needle, as long as a line Winter is coming to spring, the willows are green, the warm spring breeze blows green and the endless wheat fields, wrinkles the quiet and flowing river. The sweet spring rain is as light as a gossamer, wants to be as thin as a needle, as long as a line, When winter comes to spring, the willows spit green, the warm spring breeze blows green and the endless wheat fields, wrinkles the quiet and flowing river. The sweet spring rain is as light as a spider's silk, wants to be as thin as a needle, as long as a line, like The sieve was sifted through the ground and spread to the ground.

6. Spring is here! Look, the melting ice water wakes up the stream. "Ding Dong, Ding Dong", it is like a magical singer of nature, singing a sweet and sweet song, rushing forward...

7. The willows stretched out the branches of the yellow and green leaves, gently twitching in the slight spring breeze, like a group of fairies dancing in green costumes. The peach trees in the middle of the willow tree also have bright flowers, green willows and red flowers. It is really beautiful! Praise the beautiful sentences of spring.

8. Every spring, the red kapok is so hot that the powder is like a peony flower, and the white rose flowers are open to the public. Some of them have full blooms, some contain sputum, and some are proud. A burst of heart-warming floral scent attracted a lot of little bees, singing and dancing.

9. The bud clusters of the cedar branches are quite fat and tender, reflecting the sky shining, do you say that spring will be far behind?

10. Even if you are in love with the narcissus that is open in the water, don't forget the lonely corner of the valley, the wild lily also has spring...

11. The lovely spring girl came to the world with a light step, and the scene of life was coming in all directions, and the whole world just woke up from a long sleep.

12. Spring is like a newly-falled doll. It is new from head to toe. It grows. Spring is like a little girl, laughing and walking with flowers. Spring is like a strong young man with iron arms and waist and feet. He leads us to go forward.

13. Spring is coming, it’s so beautiful! It’s iced, the flowers are blooming, the birds are calling, the spring breeze is blowing, ah! Beautiful! I love you, beautiful spring! The spring of flowers!

14. Spring is a season of vitality and a season of beauty, magic and hope.

15. Spring is like a curious doll, decorating the earth, he runs. Spring is like an old peasant, laughing and walking all the way, spreading the hope of spring. Spring is like a strong young man, a place to go, full of vitality everywhere.

16. Spring rain, patter, grass, grass, and drill out! Get out! Spring breeze smiles, smiles, the bird said: "I want to sing for you! I want to dance for you!"

17. The wheat in the Daejeon is like a sea. The happy village of the village is a boat that is not sinking. The criss-crossing rivers criss-cross, the willow branches by the river spit out the shoots, and the reeds are drilled out. It is.

18. When the spring and the second and third months of the spring, the light is blowing with the slightest, like the drizzle of the hair, it is sprinkled by the sky, and thousands of gentle willows sing their yellow-green eyes, red and white. Yellow flowers, green grass, green leaves.

19. When winter comes to spring, the willows spit green, the warm spring breeze blows through the endless fields of wheat, and wrinkles the quiet flowing river. The luscious spring rain is as light as a spider's silk. It is as thin as a needle, as long as a line. When winter comes to spring, the willows spit green, the warm spring breeze blows through the endless wheat fields, and wrinkles the quiet and flowing river. The mellow spring rain is like a gossamer sentence about happiness. It is as thin as a needle, as long as a line. When winter comes to spring, the willows spit green, the warm spring breeze blows through the endless wheat fields, and wrinkles quietly. Flowing river water. The luscious spring rain is as light as a spider's silk. It is as thin as a needle, as long as a line, and spread like a sieve through the ground.

20. The winter Agong sent away the cold of the earth, and the spring girl came to the world in a light footstep. The scenery of spring is very beautiful, like a vivid painting.

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