Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Transport Contract Model

Freight waybill (general)

The goods are designated to be moved on the day of the month. ×× Railway Bureau │ Carrier/Consignor Loading │
Location: Cargo waybill ─────────┤
Plan number or transport number: shipper → sending station → arrival station → consignee │ carrier / shipper Shi Feng │
Shipped to the deadline ticket number
│ Shipper fills in │ Carrier fills in │
│发站││到站│ │Car type car number │ │Wagon ││
│││ │ ││ │Standard ││
│To the province and autonomous region of the station ││施封号│ │
││Name│ │Through │ Railway wagon │ │
│Checkout ││ ││布号│ │
││Address│ │Phone│││ │ │
├──┼──┼─────┴──┴──┼────┤ Container│ │
│Receipt │Name │ │ Freight Mileage │ Number │ │
│人├──┼─────┬──┬──┼────┤ │ │
││Address│ │Phone│││ │ │
│Cargo │Number │Packaging │Cargo │ Shipper OK │ Carrier │ Billing │ Shipping │ Yun │ Yun │
│Name│││Price│Weight│Fixed Weight │ │#│Right│Fees │
│││││ ││ │││ │
│││││ ││ │││ │
│││││ ││ │││ │
│││││ ││ │││ │
│Total ││││ ││ │││ │
│Checkout │ Insurance: ││ │
│人记││Carrier │ │
│Carrying ││Record │ │
│Item│││ │
Note: This order is not used as the receipt voucher, │ │ to │ │ day │
See the back of the signing instructions for the carrier. │ Shipper stamp or signature station │ Station │
Specifications: 350 × 185mm │ year, month and day stamp │ stamp │
│ 付│ 运│
│ Receipt certificate

│Car type and car number

│ ticket number

│ shipped to the deadline
││发站│ │
││到站│ │
││Shipper │ │
││Consignee │ │
││Cargo Name│Number of Pieces│Weight │
││Shipper seal or signature │
││Post station shipping date stamp │
│Note: Consignee collar
│ goods must see see

Receipt voucher cargo waybill
│ Consignee's instructions for shipping │ What the shipper should know │
│ ││
│ 1. The consignee receives the delivery receipt from the shipper. The shipper holds the goods in one way.
After the │ certificate, you should contact the station in time to collect the goods. │ Shipment of goods, proof and confirmation and willing to abide by the railway │
│ 2. The consignee has received more than the provisions of the free temporary storage │ cargo transportation.
│ When the time limit, the goods temporary storage fee shall be paid as required. │ 2. The name of the goods recorded in the consignment note, │
│ 3. The consignee picks up the goods at the station. If the goods meet the weight of the goods, the shipper │
│ If the item is not available, it should be requested to stand on the back of the card and be responsible for its authenticity.
│ Station stamp proves that the goods have not arrived. │ 3. The content, quality and value of the goods are
│ │ provided by the carrier, the carrier is receiving and shipping goods │
│ │ not all checked when the object.
│ │ 4. The shipper should promptly send the receipt voucher to │
│ │Consignee, to contact the station to pick up the goods.
Should be placed on the back of the waybill.

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