Freight waybill (aviation)
Chinese civil aviation
Freight order
Financial union
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
Chinese civil aviation
Freight order
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
Chinese civil aviation
Freight order
Arrival station
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
│Goods Arrival Processing Record││
│ Arrival Date │ Notification │ Pickup Date │ Payer │ Receiver │ │
││ ││ │ ││
Chinese civil aviation
Freight order
Stub link
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
Freight order
Financial union
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
Chinese civil aviation
Freight order
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
Chinese civil aviation
Freight order
Arrival station
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
│Goods Arrival Processing Record││
│ Arrival Date │ Notification │ Pickup Date │ Payer │ Receiver │ │
││ ││ │ ││
Chinese civil aviation
Freight order
Stub link
│ Departure Station ││ Arrival Station │ │
│Consignee Name││Phone││
│ Consignee ││
│ Address ││
│Consignor Name││
│Consignor Address││
│Airland Transit│From to │Transportation ││
│ ││ Weight │ │
│ Product Name │ Number of Pieces and Packaging ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Value │
│ ││Billing│Actual│ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│ ││ │ │ │
│Airline Freight: │¥│Storage and Transportation Notes │ │
├────────────────┼───┼──────┤ │
│ Ground transportation fee: │¥││ │
│Air land freight: │¥││ │
│Transfer fee: │¥││ │
│Other fees: │¥││ │
├────────────────┼───┤│ │
│Total: │¥││ │
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