Good word

Good sentence

1. Don't be stupid waiting for something, because the ending you want to wait for is good, but the real ending is a tragedy.

2. There is a kind of love, just like I am like you, far away, with a little imaginary imagination, look around. Give this dark age a smear of lipstick. I haven't known for so many years, I am using imagination to maintain love for you, or to use your ability to maintain imagination.

3. Some things, you hide it in your heart, maybe even better, and when it takes a long time, it becomes a story.

4. A few people in the sky are drunk, don't ask to see each other, know how many pictures are under the screen, whispering and steadily juvenile dreams, and once you see the future, you will see the words of the show, and you will be drunk.

5. Care and sadness seem to be a combination that is not separated. If you care more, the nature of injury will be much more.

6. I have not stopped loving you, I just don't show it anymore, because no matter how hard I try, you won't know.

7. Don't blame your friends for not giving you a hug when you are lost or encouraging you to get used to one person.

8. Remember the leaves that want to rot, those fresh greens that have been buried in the front of the time scale, but the overwhelming rot smell left at the end of the time scale.

9. Once you laugh, I can be happy for a few days; I can see you crying once, I am sad for several years.

10. People are always pursuing good, but often miss the good of the moment. In fact, greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.

11. The sky is not always clear, the sun doesn't always shine, so occasionally the mood collapses, and it doesn't hurt.

12. The riots at the airport stopped for a while, and the people here all had their own direction, hurriedly took off, hurriedly descended, took away the stories of others, and left their memories.

13. Take your hand, no matter where it is, I feel like I am running towards heaven.

14. The wound is like me. It is a stubborn child. I don't want to heal because the heart is a warm and humid place, suitable for anything to grow.

15. Only when you are the most lonely, will you know who is the idiot that is worried about you, who is a stranger.

16. If you are cold, you can drink. The heart is cold, and even the happiness seems to be lonely.

17. Keep yourself busy and busy until you don't have time to think about things that don't matter. Many things are quietly forgotten.

18. A gentle free and easy, a frequency of recollection, walking in the heart of the bones, floating in a ruthless cycle, but destined to the feelings of the heart, uttering the covenant in the mind, the indulge of such a meeting, the parting Such a cold, and a heart, a heart, a heart, a heart, is the love of love, the tears of the intention.

19. Forgive us for always hurting the people we care the most with the most hurtful words.

20. Life is a leaf in the water, floating in every hurried ferry, there is no choice of whereabouts, and the leaves do not choose to complain or stop, it still flies in the river, when it reaches a shoal Still calm, even if there is only a clear vein left in the end, the leaves still show the wonderful life. No words.

21. How can I refuse to be hurt while having love, don't forget, Cupid shoots an arrow, not a rose.

22. What is the feeling of this? Let all the pure imagination become icy and clean; the scattered wings lead the way to the top. I can't imagine it, I don't even dare to let all memories become eternal, let the fingertips slip through the vicissitudes of the years.

23. The old saying goes: "There is no accumulation of steps, no more than a thousand miles; no accumulation of small streams, no rivers and seas." Self-cultivation and self-improvement. If there is no perseverance in the daily dance of the chicken, then how can the ancestors be able to slash the ancients in the middle of the world! If there is no long-term pen and dragon ink to dye the pool water, then how can Wang Xizhi be revered as a book holy? After studying the blood and sweat of the draft surplus basket, how can Chen Jingrun win the world of pearls?

24. Galileo, Newton, and Edison are people who are not gods, and their shortcomings are inevitable, but this does not prevent them from becoming "giants." Who can deny that the law of falling, the law of inertia, the law of the motion of throwing objects, and the isochronism of pendulum vibration in physics were established or discovered by Galileo? Who can deny Newton's status as the founder of classical physics? Who can deny that Edison is a great inventor who has made significant contributions to human material civilization?

25. There are thousands of "squid" hearts, and there is no such thing as "netting". As a result, nothing will happen. Although this is simple, it is actually not clearly recognized by everyone. Some people want to become Edison-style "inventor kings", but they are afraid of delving into scientific knowledge; some people want to win the "king of short stories" after Maupassant, but they are still struggling with the hardships of perennial practice. Some people want to become a "music master" in a blockbuster, but they are lazy to bury their heads on the field of the staff; some people wish to become sports stars, but they are tempted to "smell the chicken and dance" for training. Such a heart is full of ambitions, and as a trip to the bird, even a small fish can not be caught, not to mention the grand ambition!

26. Choice is a brand new beginning. If you choose a towering cliff, you need to have the belief that “the road is long and the road will be up and down, and I will go up and down”; the choice of the rushing sea needs “hanging clouds”. The ambition of the sails and the seas; the choice of the cold wind and the harsh desert needs to have the drunkenness of the sand field, Jun Moxiao, the ancients to fight for a few people back to the heart-----

27. What is life? Different people have different opinions. Some people say that life is like wine. Childhood is like a cocktail, colorful, sweet and tasteful; youth is like an icy beer, dark in color, cool and bitter at the same time; middle-aged is like a spirit, pure and colorless, spicy taste makes you The internal organs will be hot; the old age is like wine, the long-lasting fragrance, the drop makes you feel the sweetness of the fragrance.

28. From early summer to late autumn, the flowers are enduring. A brocade, always maintaining a bright color - in the violent sun in the summer, the morning glory is dying, the canna is tired and weak, and the rich peony has long since lost its glory. Only the sun flower has no reservation for the red sun, and the more the sun is hot, the more beautiful it is, the more it is heated and the more vigorous it is.

29. The road to life is long and colorful, like sailing on the sea in the sky, sometimes calm and smooth, and sometimes it is a stormy, difficult driving. But as long as the lighthouse in our hearts does not go out, we can continue sailing along our own routes. The road to life is long and colorful: I learn to laugh in the sun, I learn to be strong in the dark clouds; I hurry in the wind, I grasp the ideal in the rainstorm; when I stand in the middle, I walk out and belong to me. The road to life.

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