Good word

I am a teacher who expresses the teacher’s feelings.

Today, the sky has become our territory, and we will never forget it. It is the belief and power that you gave us to fly. teacher! Pay tribute to you for 120,000 points

There is a kind of love in the world that transcends family and friendship. That is the teacher's care for us, and we are careful to teach us. I sincerely wish the teacher all the best, always healthy, always HAPPY!

Who gave us a civilized language? Who taught the philosophy of our lives? Who taught us how to behave? It is you! Hard gardener! I wish you a happy holiday!

I miss you, I will give you a good wish. I will give you a distant place - a teacher who once gave me sunshine, rain, and spring breeze.

I miss the season's flower green is my boundless congratulation. The flowers are full of fragrance. You have a beautiful and beautiful youth. There are always flying laughter.

Send a newsletter to bless you and express my heart deeply. Peach and plum blossoms in the world, happiness is always in your heart!

Although you can't see you, you can't hear your voice. But we still listen to yours like the past. I hope that a small card can send me a deep affection: I wish the teacher good health!

Although you love other students better than love me, I love you far better than others, and say the last sentence in your holiday: "Love you forever, Dad!"

All the thoughts, but also the endless gratitude and admiration, I hope your holiday is filled with embarrassment, peace!

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